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Word From The Editor

pic: philip dutton Happy New Year one and all - and welcome to the first Ilfracombe Magazine of 2023! I trust you all had a fantastic festive season and that your new year’s resolutions are firmly underway (or at least in the column labelled ‘to do’). I know many of our readers use this magazine as a directory of trusted local traders - which is great! However this month I would also urge you to have a read of our articles as they cover some really important subjects. On page 12 we look forward to the local council elections in May and how you can put yourself forward to become a member of the local council. If you feel strongly about local issues, then the council needs people like you! On pages 8 & 9 we’ve dedicated a double page spread to the story of brave local teenager Elena Cabrera who has spent the past two years battling ovarian cancer. Elena’s family own the Country Cousin’s language school in Ilfracombe and will be well-known to many people in the town. Her story is one of real bravery - and every parents’ worst nightmare. However, thanks to the Teenage Cancer Trust, Elena received vital support which made her cancer journey far less lonely than it would otherwise have been. Please do take the time to read this article and understand how the charity’s important work supports young people like Elena. It’s something we would all want for our own children!



The Ilfracombe Magazine