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The Horse Report The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Farmers and horse trainers have been using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to improve and then maintain their horses’well-being for years.

It has an alkalizing effect which puts the horse in a slightly alkalized state. The benefits of this are legendary and its use over hundreds of years have proven beneficial.. It is a valuable tonic if taken internally or applied externally.

Top 10 uses forAppleCiderVinegar

1. Natural insect control

When horses are fed ACV daily in their feed, it causes higher levels of thiamine (vitamin B1) to be excreted through their skin, and thus the optimum levels of B vitamins in their system discourages insects including flies and mosquitoes

2. Improves digestion

ACV works to acidify the stomach for better digestion and absorption of minerals and help protect your horse from bacteria, parasites and water-borne diseases, and ulcers. Research has also shown that it can slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which is helpful for those founder-prone ponies/horses that are sensitive to sugar.

5. Helps prevent intestinal enteroliths

An alkaline environment in the horse's digestive tract can cause intentional stones to grow to the point of causing dangerous obstructions. The acidifying effect of ACV helps dissolve and prevent enteroliths.

4. Mane and tail conditioner

Adding one cup of ACV to a bucket of water for the final rinse of your horse's mane and tail will leave it feelingly incredibly smooth and removes any extra soap residue.

5. Disguise water while travelling

If your horse is accustomed to the taste of ACV, bring some along on your next road trip and they'll happily drink unfamiliar water.

6. Wound treatment

Spraying fungus, burns, skin infections and other wounds with diluted ACV is a great way to speed healing time by helping to help keep bacteria and insects away.

7. Ease arthritis symptoms

Both horses and humans alike have benefited from ACV to help control arthritis joint pain and stiffness.

8. Treat hoof problems

Use apple cider vinegar to treat thrush add 1/4 cup of ACV to a bucket of water to soak a hoof or use it undiluted in a spray bottle.

9. Weed killer

If you don't like spraying harmful chemicals then ACV is a great spray alternative.

10. Clean blankets and pads

Add some ACV to the rinse water for your saddle pads, blankets and polo wraps. It will help remove soap residue. Abenefit for thinskinned horses that are prone to irritation.

Recipe for homemade rawAppleCider

Vinegar fly spray

Mix 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of water and add 2-3 drops of either lavender or eucalyptus essential oils to make a natural insect repellent spray for horses.