14 minute read
ALL EMERGENCIES................................112
NON-URGENT CALLS: Ambulance Station 200 75728 Police 200 72500
Business Information Financial Serv. Commission Tel: 200 40283/4 Chamber of Commerce Tel: 200 78376 Federation Small Business Tel: 200 47722 Company Registry Tel: 200 78193
Useful Numbers
Airport (general info.) . Tel: 200 12345 Hospital, St Bernards. . Tel: 200 79700 Weather information. . Tel: 5-3416 Frontier Queue Update Tel: 200 42777
Gibraltar Museum Tel: 200 74289 18/20 Bomb House Lane 10am-6pm (Sat 10am-2pm). Admission: Adults £2/Children under 12 - £1. Exhibitions also at Casemates gallery.
Gibraltar Garrison Library Tel: 200 77418 2 Library Ramp Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm. Free Library tour offered every Friday at 11am. chris.tavares@gibraltargarrisonlibrary.gi
Registry Office Tel: 200 72289 It’s possible to get married within 48 hours. A fact taken advantage of by stars such as Sean Connery & John Lennon.
Rock Tours by Taxi Tel: 200 70052 As well as offering normal fares, taxis provide Rock Tours taking in the Upper Rock, Europa Point etc.
John Mackintosh Hall Tel: 200 75669 Includes cafeteria, theatre, exhibition rooms and library. 308 Main Street 9.30am - 11pm Mon-Fri. Gibraltar Services Police Emergency N os : (5) 5026 / (5) 3598
Gibraltar Public Holidays 2020
New Year’s Day Monday 1st Jan Commonwealth Day Monday 09th Mar Good Friday Friday 10th Apr Easter Monday Monday 13nd Apr Workers Memorial Day Tuesday 28th Apr May Day Friday 1st May 75th anniversary of VE Day Friday 8th May Spring Bank Holiday Monday 25th May Queen’s Birthday Monday 15th June Late Summer Bank Holiday Monday 31st Aug Gibraltar National Day Tuesday 10th Sept Christmas Day Friday 25th Dec Boxing Day Thursday 28th Dec
ADHD Gibraltar adhdgibraltar@gmail.com facebook.com/ADHDGibraltar/
Alcoholics Anonymous meet 7pm Tues & Thurs at Nazareth House Tel: 200 73774.
A Step Forward support for single, separated, divorced/widowed people, meet 8pm Mon at St Andrew’s Church.
Mummy & Me Breastfeeding Support Group those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have breastfed to get together for coffee / support. Partners and older children welcome. Meets 1st Wed / month at Chilton Court Community Hall at 1.30pm. Enquiries and support 54014517.
Childline Gibraltar confidential phone line for children in need. Freephone 8008 - 7 days a week 5pm - 9pm
Citizens’ Advice Bureau Open Mon-Thur 9:30am-4:00pm, Fri 9:30am- 3:30pm. Tel: 200 40006 Email: info@cab.gi or visit at 10 Governor’s Lane. Free & confidential, impartial & independent advice and info. Shop at 7.30pm first Thur of each month. Tel: 200 51469 Email: copeadsupport@hotmail.com
Dignity At Work Now Confidential support and advice for those who are being bullied at work. Tel: 57799000.
Families Anonymous Support group for relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs or related behavioural problems. Meet weekly on Thurs at 9pm at Family and Community Centre, Mid Harbours Estate, Bishop Caruana Road. 54007676 or 54014484.
Gamblers Anonymous Telephone: 54001520
Gibraltar Cardiac Rehabilitation and Support Group meets on the first Tues of every month at 8.30pm at John Mac Hall, except for Jul & Aug.
Gibraltar Dyslexia Support Group 72 Prince Edwards Rd Tel: 200 78509 Mobile: 54007924 website: dyslexia.gi
Gibraltar Hearing Issues & Tinnitus Association Voicemail: (+350) 200 66755, Text Message (SMS): (+350) 54066055, Correspondence Charity P.O. Box 90220, Gibraltar. Email: info@ ghita.gi, Facebook: Gibraltar Hearing Issues & Tinnitus Association (GHITA & BSL Club), Our support group meets the first Monday of every month at Suite 3, Kings Bastion Leisure Centre as from 5pm.
Gibraltar Marriage Care Free relationship counselling, including pre-marriage education (under auspices of Catholic Church, but open to all). Tel: 200 71717.
Gibraltar Society for the Visually Impaired Tel: 200 50111 (24hr answering service).
Hope miscarriage support Tel: 200 41817.
Mummy & Me Breastfeeding Support: Meets every Thursday 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous Tel: 200 70720
Parental Support Group helping parents and grandparents with restrictive access to their children and grandchildren. Tel: 200 46536, 200 76618, or 54019602.
Psychological Support Group, PO Box 161, Nazareth House. Meet Tuesdays at 7pm, Fridays 8pm. Tel: Yolanda 54015553
With Dignity Gibraltar support for separated, divorced/widowed or single people. Meet Weds 9pm, Catholic Community Centre, Line Wall Rd. Outings/activities.
Arts & Craft s Cross Sti tch Club: John Mackintosh Hall, 1st Floor, Mon 6-8pm, fee £1. Gibraltar Arts & Craft s Associati on: Children: Mon&Fri 12.30-2pm, Mon-Fri 3.45-5.15pm Adults: Wed 5.45-7.15, Sat 10.30 to 12.30, Tel: 20073865 email: gibartsandcraft s@hotmail.com Knit and Natt er Group: Tues 11am-3pm, Thurs 5.30-7.30pm, at Arts & Craft s Shop, Casemates balcony. Free to join and refreshments provided. Tel: 20073865. The Arts Centre: Prince Edward’s Road, Art classes for children and adults. For more info call Tel: 200 79788. The Fine Arts Associati on Gallery: At Casemates. Open 10am-2pm, 3-6pm Mon-Fri, Sat 11am-1pm. The Arts Society Gibraltar: Monthly illustrated talks open to the public. Registrati on from 6:30pm every 3rd Wednesday of the month. Guest fee £12. We meet at The Garrison Library. Contact gibraltar@theartssociety.org or Claus Olesen on 54036666. Website with all informaiton is gibraltar.theartssociety.org Board Games Calpe Chess Club & Junior Club: meets in Studio 1, John Mackintosh Hall Thursday, Juniors: 5p.m. - 7 p.m. / Tuesday & Thursday 7p.m. - 10:30 The Gibraltar Scrabble Club: Meets on Tuesdays at 3pm. Tel: Vin 20073660 or Roy 20075995. All welcome. The Subbuteo Club: Meets in Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall. Dance Adult Dance Classes: Wed evenings at Kings Basti on Leisure Centre from 7-8.30pm. Contact Dilip on 200 78714. Art in Movement Centre: Hip-hop/Break Dance, Contemporary Dance, Pilates, Capoeira, Acrobati cs, Street Kids & Tods, Modern Dance. Performance and Film opportuniti es. Judo & Jujitsu Classes: Tue/ Thur with Sensei Conroy. All ages. Budokai Marti al Arts Centre, Wellington Front. www. arti nmovement.net FB: Art In Movement - A.I.M, tel 54025041 or 54007457
Ballet, Modern Theatre, Contemporary &
Hip-hop: weekly at Danza Academy. Training from 3 years to Adult Advanced. 68/2 Prince Edward’s Rd Tel: 54027111. Bellydance Classes, all levels, Tue 8-9pm at the Ocean Village Gym (non–members welcome). Contact 54005593.
DSA Old & Modern Sequence
Dancing: Sessions at Central Hall Fri 8.30pm, beginners 8pm. Tel: 200 78901 or tony@ gibraltar.gi Everybody welcome.
Modern & Lati n American Sequence
Dancing: Mon at Catholic Community Centre 8pm. Tel. Andrew 200 78901.
Modern, Contemporary, Lyrical, Flexibility,
Hip Hop & Dance Theatre: Classes weekly at Urban Dance Studio, 2 Jumpers Basti on. Tel: Yalta 54012212 or Jolene 54015125. Rockkickers Linedance Club: Governor’s Meadow 1st School. www.rockkickers.com Salsa Gibraltar Salsa: Tues at Laguna Social Club, Laguna Estate. Beginners 7-8.30pm. Intermediates 8.30-10pm. Tel: Mike 54472000 or info@salsagibraltar.com Zumba Classes at Urban Dance: Jumpers Basti on, with certi fi ed instructor Tyron Walker. Tel: 20063959 or 54012212 or Twitt er: @UrbanDanceGib History & Heritage The Gibraltar Heritage Trust: Main Guard, 13 John Mackintosh Sq. Tel: 200 42844. The Gibraltar Classic Vehicle Associati on: Dedicated to the preservati on of Rock’s transport/motoring heritage. Assists members in restorati on / maintenance of classic vehicles. New members welcome. Tel: 200 44643. Garrison Library Tours: at 11am on Fri, durati on 1h 50mins. Tel: 20077418. History Alive: Historical re-enactment parade. Main Street up to Casemates Square every Sat at 12 noon.
Gibraltar Nati onal Choir and Gibraltar
Junior Nati onal Choir: Rehearses at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Tel: 54831000. The Calpe Band: Mon & Wed. For musicians of brass/woodwind instruments of all standards/ages/abiliti es 7-9pm. Tel: 54017070 or thecalpeband@gmail.com
Jazz Nights: Thurs at 9pm at O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel. Tel: 200 70500. Outdoor Acti viti es
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Internati onal
Award Gibraltar: Exciti ng self-development programme for young people worldwide equipping them with life skills to make a diff erence to themselves, their communiti es and the world. Contact: Award House, North Mole Road, PO Box: 1260. mjpizza@ gibtelecom.net, www.thedukes.gi. Social Clubs The Rotary Club of Gibraltar meets the Rock Hotel, 7pm Tuesday evenings. Guests welcome. For contact or info www.rotaryclubgibraltar.com Royal Antediluvian Order of Buff aloes: (Gibraltar Province) meets RAOB Club, 72/9 Prince Edward’s Road - Provincial Grand Lodge, Thu/month, 7.30pm. William Tilley 2371, Thurs 8.30pm. Buena Vista 9975, monthly, Social Lodge. www.akearn1.wix. com/raob-gibraltar, william.ti lley.lodge@ hotmail.co.uk, Clive, tel: 58008074 Special Interest Clubs & Societi es Creati ve Writers Group: meets up on Tuesday mornings at 10.30 in O’Reilley’s Irish Bar and it is free to att end. Tel: Carla 54006696. Gibraltar Book Club: For info Tel: Parissa 54022808. Gibraltar Horti cultural Society: meets 1st Thurs of month 6pm, J.M. Hall. Spring Flower Show, slide shows, fl ower arrangement demos, outi ngs to garden centres, annual Alameda Gardens tour. All welcome. Gibraltar Philosophical Society: devoted to intellectually sti mulati ng debate. Frequent lectures and seminars on a range of topics. Tel: 54008426 or Facebook: facebook.com/gibphilosophy Gibraltar Photographic Society: Meets on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Wellington Front. Inducti on courses, talks, discussions, competi ti ons etc. For details contact the secretary on, leslinares@gibtelecom.net Harley Davidson Owners’ Club: www.hdcgib.com Lions Club of Gibraltar: Meets 2nd and 4th Wed of the month at 50 Line Wall Road. www.lionsclubofgibraltar.com St John’s Ambulance: Adult Volunteers Training Sessions from 8-10pm on Tues. Tel: 200 77390 or training@stjohn.gi The Royal Briti sh Legion: For info or membership contact the Branch Secretary 20074604 or write to PO Box 332. UN Associati on of Gibraltar: PO Box 599, 22a Main Street. Tel: 200 52108. Sports Supporters Clubs Tott enham Hotspur Supporters Club: Meets at Star Bar, Parliament Lane, when Spurs games are televised - call prior to matches to check game is televised. Great food for a lunch if KO is early or an early supper if the game is later. Gibraltar Arsenal Supporters Club: Meets match days upstairs at Time Out Café, Eurotowers. Gooners of all ages welcome. For info/news visit www.GibGooners.com Tel: 54010681 (Bill) or 54164000 (John). Gibraltar Hammers: Meets on match days at the Victoria Stadium Bar, Bayside Road. All league games are shown live. All West Ham supporters and their families are welcome. For details visit www.gibraltarhammers.com or gibraltarhammers@hotmail.com Leeds United Gibraltar Supporters Club. Meet at The Trafalgar Sports Bar 1 Rosia Road when live matches are on. All Leeds United supporters and their families are welcome. Join Leeds United Gibraltar Supporters club at: facebook.com/luscgib Sports & Fitness Arti sti c Gymnasti cs: Gibraltar Arti sti c Gymnasti cs Associati on. Tel: Angela 200 70611 or Sally 200 74661. Athleti cs: Gibraltar Amateur Athleti cs Associati on holds competi ti ons through year for juniors, adults and veterans. Two main clubs (Calpeans 200 71807, Lourdians 200 75180) training sessions at Victoria Stadium. Badminton: Recreati onal badminton weekdays at Victoria Stadium (Tel: 200 78409 for allocati ons). Gibraltar Badminton Associati on (affi liated to BWF& BE) junior club/tournaments, senior leagues/ recreati onal. www.badmintongibraltar.com
Ballet Barre Fitness: Adults on Wed 10am & Fri 6pm at The Arts Centre. Tel: 54033465 or pilatesgibraltar@hotmail.com Basketball: Gibraltar Amateur Basketball Associati on (affi liated FIBA) leagues/ training for minis, passarelle, cadets, seniors and adults at a variety of levels. Tel: John 200 77253, Randy 200 40727. Boxing: Gibraltar Amateur Boxing Associati on (member IABA) gym on Rosia Rd. Over 13s welcome. Tuiti on with ex-pro boxer Ernest Victory. Tel: 56382000 or 20042788. Cheerleading: Gibraltar Cheerleading Associati on, girls and boys of all ages. Cheerleading and street cheer/hip-hop at Victoria Stadium. Recreati onal / competi ti ve levels. Tel: 58008338. Canoeing: Gibraltar Canoeing Associati on. Tel: Nigel 200 52917 or Arturo 54025033. Cricket: Gibraltar Cricket, Nati onal Governing Body & Associate Member of ICC. Governs Internati onal & Domesti c Men’s, Women’s, Boys’ & Girls’ cricket- league & cup competi ti ons and in-school coaching. www.gibraltarcricket.com, info@gibcricket. com, Twitt er: @Gibraltar_Crick Cycling: Gibraltar Cycling Associati on various cycling tours. Darts: Gibraltar Darts Associati on (full member of WDF & affi liate of BDO). We cater for men, ladies & youth who take part in leagues, competi ti ons and a youth academy for the correct development of the sport. Tel: Darren 54027171 Secretary, Alex 54021672 Youth Rep, Justi n 54022622 President. Email: info@ gibraltardarts.com Football: Gibraltar Football Associati on - leagues/competi ti ons for all ages OctoberMay. Futsal in summer, Victoria Stadium. Tel: 20042941 www.gibraltarfa.com Gaelic Football Club (Irish sport): Males any age welcome. Get fi t, play sport, meet new friends, travel around Spain/Europe and play an exciti ng and competi ti ve sport. Training every Wed on the MOD pitch on Devil’s Tower Road at 7pm. Andalucia League with Seville and Marbella to play matches home and away monthly. Visit www.gibraltargaels. com or secretary.gibraltar.europe@gaa.ie Hockey: Gibraltar Hockey Associati on (members FIH & EHF) high standard competi ti ons/training for adults/juniors. Tel: Eric 200 74156 or Peter 200 72730 for info. Iaido: teaches the Japanese sword (Katana), classes every week. www.iaidogibraltar.com Ice Skati ng: Gibraltar Rock Stars Figure Skati ng Club lessons every Tuesday evening & Saturday morning, all levels including adults. Contact grsfsc@gmail.com or 58700000 Iwa Dojo, Kendo & Jujitsu: Classes every week, for kids/adults. Tel: 54529000 www. iwadojo.com or dbocarisa@iwadojo.com Judo and Ju-jitsu: Gibraltar Budokai Judo Associati on UKMAF recognised instructors for all ages and levels at Budokai Marti al Arts Centre, Wellington Front. Tel: Charlie 20043319. Ju-jitsu: Gibraltar Ju-jitsu Academy training and grading for juniors/seniors held during the evening at 4 North Jumpers Basti on. Tel: 54011007. Karate-do Shotokai: Gibraltar Karate-do Shotokai Associati on - Karate training for junior & seniors at Clubhouse, Shotokai karate centre, 41H Town Range. Monday: 9:30 p.m. & Wednesday 9:45 p.m. Karate: Shotokan karate midday Mon beginners, other students 8.30pm. Thurs 8.30pm. In town at temporary dojo or privately by arrangement. Contact Frankie 54038127 or info@fh media.co.uk. Motorboat Racing : Gibraltar Motorboat Racing Associati on Tel: Wayne 200 75211. Muay Thai and Muay Boran Club: Tues & Thur at Boyd’s Kings Basti on Leisure Centre at 6:30pm, Tel: John – 54024707 FB: Gibraltar Muay Thai Netball: Gibraltar Netball Associati on (affi liated FENA & IFNA) competi ti ons through year, senior/junior leagues. Tel: 20041874. Petanque: Gibraltar Petanque Associati on. New members welcome. Tel: 54002652. Pilates: Intermediate Pilates: Tues & Fri 9.30am, beginners Pilates: Fri 10.50am at the Shotokai Centre, 41H Town Range. Tel: 54033465 or pilatesgibraltar@hotmail.com Gibraltar Pool Associati on: (Member of the
EBA) home and away league played on Thurs throughout the season, various tournaments played on a yearly basis both nati onally and internati onally, Tel: 56925000 gibpool@ gibtelecom.net, www.gib8ball.com Rhythmic Gymnasti cs: Gibraltar Rhythmic Gymnasti cs Associati on runs sessions from 4 years of age, weekday evenings. Tel: 56000772 or Sally 200 74661. Rugby: Gibraltar Rugby caters for all ages from 4 years old to veterans (over 35’s). It organises competi ti ons and sessions for Juniors; 4 x Senior Clubs; Veterans team; Touch Rugby and a Referees Society. Email admin@gibraltarrfu. com or visit www.gibraltarrfu.com Sailing: Gibraltar Yachti ng Associati on junior/ senior competi ti ve programme (April - Oct) Tel: Royal Gibraltar Yacht Club at 200 78897. Shooti ng: Gibraltar Shooti ng Federati on. Rifl e, Europa Point Range (Stephanie 54020760); Clay pigeon, East Side (Harry 200 74354); Pistol, near Royal Naval Hospital (Louis 54095000). Snooker: Members of European Billiards & Snooker Associati on - faciliti es at Jumpers Basti on with 3 tables. Professional coaching for juniors/seniors. Organised leagues/ tournaments and parti cipati on in internati onal competi ti ons. Tel: 56262000 / 54000068, or info@gibraltarsnooker.com Squash: Gibraltar Squash Associati on, Squash Centre, South Pavilion Road (members WSF & ESF). Adult and junior tournaments and coaching. Tel: 200 44922. Sub-Aqua: Gibraltar Sub-Aqua Associati on taster dives for over 14s, tuiti on from local clubs. Voluntary sports clubs: Noah’s Dive Club and 888s Dive Club. Tel: 54991000. Commercial sports diving schools available. Time - Thursday 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.. Telephone, Jenssen Ellul - 54027122 Swimming: Gibraltar Amateur Swimming Associati on (member FINA & LEN) opens its pool for leisure swimming. Junior lessons, squad for committ ed swimmers, water polo. Pool open Mon&Thurs: 7-10am, 12.30-4pm. Tue, Wed, Fri: 7-10am, 12:30-5pm. Sat: 3-5pm. Sun: closed. Mon to Fri from 5-6pm groups training. 6-7.30 squad training. Mon, Wed, Fri 7.30-8.30 swimming joggers, Tues & Thurs 7:30-8:30 junior Water polo. Mon, Tues & Thurs 8:30-10pm Adult water polo. Tel: 200 72869. Table Tennis: Gibraltar Table Tennis Associati on training and playing sessions, Victoria Stadium, Tues 6-10pm and Thurs 8-11pm with coaching and league competi ti on. Tel: 56070000 or 20060720. Taekwondo: Gibraltar Taekwondo Associati on classes/gradings Tel: Mari 20044142 or www. gibraltartaekwondo.org Tai Chi: Tai Chi for children and adults. MonThur 6.30-8pm at Kings Basti on Leisure Centre and Sat 9am-1pm at the Yoga Centre, 33 Town Range. Tel: Dilip 200 78714. Tennis and Paddle Tennis: Sandpits Club. Junior and adult training available. info : www. sandpits.club. Tel (Louis) 20077035 Ten-Pin Bowling: At King’s Bowl in the King’s Basti on Leisure Centre every day. Gibraltar Ten Pin Bowling (members FIQ & WTBA) leagues, training for juniors and squad. Tel: 200 52442. Triathlon: Hercules Triathlon Club organises swimming, running and cycling training sessions and competes regularly in Andalucia and Internati onally. Contact chris.walker@york. gi or Facebook “Hercules Triathlon Club” Volleyball: Gibraltar Volleyball Associati on training, indoor leagues, beach volleyball competi ti on, 3 v 3 competi ti on, juniors and seniors. Tel: 54001973 or 54885000. Yoga: Integral Yoga Centre runs a full programme of classes from Mon-Fri at 33 Town Range. Tel: 200 41389. All welcome. Theatrical Groups
Gibraltar Amateur Drama
Associati on: Meet at Ince’s Hall Theatre Complex, 310 Main Street. Tel: 20042237.
Trafalgar Theatre
Group: Meets 2nd Wed of month, Garrison Library 8pm. All welcome.