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Healthy Holiday Habits Start Now

by Kristen Horler, MS

Right about now, January may seem like a great time to start some healthy habits. However, you can still enjoy the holiday season and not come out the other side feeling like you’ve overindulged. This year may look a little different with coronavirus restrictions, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be tempted by sweets, treats, and holiday delights. So, what is a woman to do during the most wonderful time of the year? We’ve included a few tips to help you enjoy the holiday season and ring in the New Year feeling better than ever before.


Small Plates.

The fun of the holidays may include filling your plate full of delicious foods. The great news is that there is nothing wrong with that. Studies show that when we use a smaller plate, we feel like we are eating more−it actually tricks our brain into feeling more satisfied−with less.

Start with Salad.

If you’re dining out, start with a salad, vegetable soup, or hummus with extra vegetables (skip the pita). Flood your body with nutritious, whole foods before enjoying your main course or going straight for dessert. Don’t worry about other people’s expectations of what you should be eating and when you should be eating it. If you want to eat a salad, have a glass of wine and enjoy a piece of pie for dessert, that’s your prerogative.

Fifty Percent Veg.

Fill half your plate with vegetables. If you don’t see a veg-focused option, look for every dish that includes avocado, spinach, squash, kale, broccoli, or mixed vegetables. Get creative and ask for a side of steamed vegetables. Think roasted root vegetables or garlic sauteed spinach. There are plenty of great options to enjoy on most menus or at a dinner party, you just need to look for them. If you’re bringing a dish, be sure to bring something healthy you will enjoy!

Healthy Holiday Tips:

• Going to a holiday party or family event? Have a healthy protein shake an hour before you go and drink a big glass of water on the way. If you have a choice of food, start with a plate of fruits and vegetables. Wait until you’re ready for seconds to indulge in the baked goods, sweets, or cheese board.

• No time for exercise? Every step matters. Walk around the block or complete a set of 10 lunges, pushups, and squats at home. It’s amazing how a little movement can help you feel better when you’re pressed for time.

• Worried about drinking too much and paying the price in the morning? No one knows what’s in your cup--and no one cares! Alternate your cocktail or wine with a glass of still or sparkling water. If you like gin and tonics, cut your tonic calories in half by using 50% soda water and 50% tonic water.

Kristen Horler is a recovering overachiever who is learning to let more stuff go that is not aligned with her values, priorities, and goals. As a former pastry chef turned fitness professional, Kristen created Baby Boot Camp shortly after her first child was born in August 2001. Eighteen years later, Kristen rebranded the company to MOMLETA. The new brand represents the company’s mission of inspiring moms of all ages and stages through fitness, nutrition, community, and business. Kristen is passionate about food, fitness, and inspiring wellness. She enjoys cooking, spending time with her family, and traveling. Visit www.momleta.com to learn more.