2 minute read

Getting the Most Out of Your Marketing Team

by Michelle Hummel

Companies of all sizes have teams that specialize in different aspects to help the company accomplish its overall goal. This division of labor is completely normal and even is the standard in today’s business world. On the other hand, at some point in your career, you’ve probably been in a work situation where the right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing. Unfortunately, this is also common. As a franchise owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure this doesn’t happen — especially when it comes to marketing.


Whether internal or external, your marketing team will help develop strategies to help your franchise stay top-of-mind with your current customers and to attract new customers to your sales funnel. Here are some tips to help them do this effectively.

Global Calendar

Because marketing is most effective when there is time to strategize, everyone on the team needs access to a global calendar. On it, break down ebbs and flows, including times when certain products or services are most popular, when products or services are not available on the same timetable or if the cost increases at certain times.

For example, if your restaurant sells more hot beverages in the winter, note it on the global calendar. If you can’t get access to hot chocolate at the same price or in the same timetable in the summer, note that as well so your marketing team knows if they want to develop a Christmas in July promotion to sell frozen hot chocolate drinks, this needs to be planned by Spring to make sure enough product will be available, and that the new price is reflected in the promotion.

Also, on the global calendar, note events, slow-business times and even key staffing changes. If all employees in a certain department tend to schedule their vacation during March, your marketing department will know not to execute a plan to increase business in that department during that time.

Ongoing Communication

Your marketing team will use the global calendar and keep abreast of trends, reviews and responses to craft your franchise’s message, but it’s best to have someone meet with them — even if it’s just for 30 minutes per month. During this time, your team should present their final strategy for the planned month and get final approval. You can ask any questions about the reporting that’s been previously sent for your review, review budgets, and clear up any loose ends, including assigning new point people. Your marketing team will soak up any information you can give them, so feel free to discuss other issues including staffing needs, customer discussions and new products or services.

When it comes to marketing, information is the key to success. By taking time to ensure your marketing team understands your business on every level, the more able they are to find workable solutions to grow your business.

Michelle is the CEO and Founder of Web Strategy Plus, a full-service digital marketing agency, where her team of experts specializes in helping franchise owners develop websites, SEO and Social Media Strategies. A published author of three books in her series, “The Social Media Magnet: Everything You Need to Know to Attract Customers with Social Media.” She also holds a valuable Internet Marketing Degree and provides training to help individuals acquire Social Media Management Certification through Web Media University. Contact Michelle at michelle@webstrategyplus.com.