2 minute read

The Forman Legacy Club

L-R: Director of the Annual Fund Sean Maguire, ’89, P’22, P’23, Topher Gunsalus ’21, Joshua Orio ’21, Enzo Conti ’21, Mason Lockowitz ’23, Wright Morris ’23, Olivia Maguire ’22, Florence Colantino ’21, Charlotte MacDonald ’23

Florence Colantino ’21 has always had an extra special relationship to Forman School. And she wants to preserve it as she moves on to college and eventually her working career.

“I felt at home the first time I came to the Forman campus,” says Florence. “My aunt and uncle attended Forman. They went to Forman with Mr. Maguire. So, I had a connection to the School before I even got here.”

As time passed, Florence met many fellow students with the same kind of relationship to the School. She’d have lunch with a student whose sister went to Forman. Or take a class with someone whose grandfather was a Lion. In the boarding school world, these students are called “legacies.” Florence liked the sound of it and pitched an idea to the aforementioned Mr. (Sean) Maguire ’89, P’22, P’23, Forman’s Director of the Annual Fund.

“I thought we should start a Forman Legacy Club,” says Florence. “It’s pretty special to have a built-in connection to the School before you even apply or enroll. It comes up pretty quickly as you get to know someone. It’s a really positive thing that I’d like to help emphasize.”

Like many Forman students, Florence struggled academically as a younger student. But the atmosphere at Forman, and fellow students with learning differences like hers, made her fall in love with Forman. “When I got to Forman, I felt that the School completely saved me,” says Florence. “I felt so welcomed and loved and appreciated. I’ve made lifelong friends. And I will always appreciate and love my Forman teachers for caring about my education and wanting me to succeed.”

The support Florence felt at Forman helped her grow personally and develop self-confidence. During her time at Forman, she was a prefect, a school ambassador, and an all-school officer. She learned how to push herself at Forman and reach for things she might have previously thought were beyond her grasp.

As a Class Agent, Florence will definitely stay connected to Forman. She will work with Mr. Maguire to develop what exactly the Legacy Club will do. The way Florence sees it, legacies are natural ambassadors for Forman. They are carrying on a family tradition and can advise younger relatives about how wonderful the School is.

“We want to make legacies feel special because of the connection to Forman that they have,” says Florence. “We want them to be excited about it and be proud of it. I know I am. And I would love my children to go to Forman and have the same lifechanging experience that I had.”