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Time. We all have the same amount in our day. Do we allow the busyness of the world to cut into our time for our family and friends? Do we stop, slow down and give thanks for time spent with loved ones? Hardships. We all have daily, weekly, monthly or sometimes even a year’s worth of hardships. Do we give thanks that we made it through those difficult times of this year and for the lessons learned that we may only learn during troublesome times?



Although difficult to do, we must find the achievements during our hardships. Are we thanking those who have contributed to our achievements? Do we acknowledge in thankful gratitude to family and friends who help us achieve and succeed? Notice. Take time to notice this world in a positive sense. Notice your own behavior to others and theirs to you. Instead of hurrying through this life, notice the beauty of the world around us. We cannot rightfully dictate our last day on earth, so give thanks for each sunrise and sunset. Kindness. As we wind down the year and slip into the Thanksgiving Day holiday, are we making a special point to exhibit kindness in our actions? It is very easy to be harsh and hasty in our attitude. Are we approaching each day with kindness and thanking those who are kind to us? Simple. Are we living daily as simple as possible? Or are we making our routines full of complexity and confusion? Life will bring complications no matter who you are, so make an effort to simplify often; give thanks to the simplicities of life when they present themselves.

The month of November is often overlooked for its importance. If we could only live this month graciously throughout the year, what a changed world it would be. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 gives us directions for all our days and situations: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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