4 minute read

Changing the narrative for older people in County Clare

by Stuart Holly editor@clareecho.ie

THE latest Census figures reveal a large increase in the number of older people now living in Ireland. In 2022 there were 768,000 people aged over 65 living in the Republic, compared to 651,000 people aged 15 to 24. “There are more older people than children now and there will be a hell of a lot more by 2050. We’re living longer and we need to be able to live well longer, rather than being admitted to hospital or not staying in our own homes,” says Madge O’Callaghan of the Clare Older People’s Coun-


cil (OPC).

Funded by the c initiative, the Older People’s Council in Clare is one of 31 councils throughout the country and it was set up to provide a link between Clare County Council and people over 55, to inform the Council of age appropriate measures they may need to implement to support older people. The OPC contains an executive of 25 volunteer members while there is a coordinator and administrator employed by Clare County Council.

Madge, who has a background in advocacy work, is the PRO of the Older People’s Council having been in- volved with the group for the last two years. She explains that the core objective of the OPC is to make Clare a better place to grow old in, and to help improve quality of life to enable people to continue living at home further into their old age. “For instance, if there was a need for community transport in an area, we’d be trying to organise that so that people have better access to transport, or if there was an issue about security in an area we might then approach the gardai.

“It’s a new phenomenon in our country, we haven’t had an older population in our country like this before so we are kind of the forerunners of this, to make it a better place for older people.”

The OPC categorises those aged 55 and over as older people, which would qualify people such as Jamie Foxx, Brad Pitt and Daniel Craig. It creates quite the contradiction that James Bond would be considered an older person, however Madge insists the narrative around older people is indeed changing.

“The narrative around older people up to now seems to have been that we’re a problem that needs to be solved, but our attitude is that we’re the solution, we’ve been around long enough to know quite a bit. So, we’re looking at changing that narrative and I think we’re doing that successfully.”

Some notable achievements of the Clare OPC include helping Shannon Airport become one of the world’s first Age Friendly airports. “We did a walkability study of Shannon Airport and advised the airport authority on what they needed to do to make it age friendly.” Their work resulted in initiatives including designated seating for older people, improved signage and announcements, better bathroom accessibility, shorter walking distances and improved access to assistance for parking facilities. “Little things like that which may not seem like a lot, but if you are a person who is struggling with arthritis, have breathing conditions, or have a heart condition, it can be very difficult to navigate around the airport so it’s just about making it easier for people, and if it’s easier for older people it’s easier for everybody.”

The group also carried out walking studies of Ennis town to create spaces for parking for older people, increased seating in the town, advising also on businesses providing better customer service for older people. Each year, the group hosts the popular Older Person of the Year awards, which recognise the achievements of older people in the community and will next be hosted early next year.

The Clare Older Peo- ple’s Council are hosting a ‘Health & Wellbeing’ Age Expo for people living in County Clare at Treacy’s West County, Ennis on June 30 from 11am-4pm with up to 40 stands on the day. The Age Expo will showcase the important supports and services available in County Clare that are of particular interest to Older People. Organisations like the Mid-West Community Healthcare – Integrated Care Programme Older Persons, Alzheimer’s Association, Active Ennis, Alone, Clare Libraries, Local Link and Slainte an Chlair are just some examples of the stallholders who are attending the event. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in ‘Taster Sessions’ like ‘Singing’ and ‘Active Ageing’ and ‘Cooking for One’ demonstrations. Free health checks will also be available to interested attendees by the Irish Heart Foundation.

Clare Older People’s Council will host a ‘Health and Wellbeing, Age Expo’ on Friday, 30th June 2023, at Tracey’s West County Hotel, Ennis from 11.00am to 4.00pm. All are welcome.

The Age Expo will showcase the supports and services available in County Clare that are of interest and use to Older People. The Mid-West Community Healthcare - Integrated Care Programme Older Persons, Active Ennis, Alone, Clare Libraries, Local Link and Slainte an Chlair are just some examples of those displaying at the event.

Guest speakers will discuss the new ‘Healthy Age Friendly Homes’ initiative and ‘Preparing for a Healthy Retirement’. Attendees will also have an opportunity to participate in a singing taster session, hear talks on Active Ageing and attend a cookery demonstration. The Irish Heart Foundation will also carry out FREE health checks during the event. On-site parking is available and the public bus stops just outside the venue, Tracey’s West County Hotel.

For more information on the event please email agefriendlyclare@clarecoco.ie or call Helen on 086-8226597.

The Clare Age Expo is supported by the Clare Older People’s Council and the Department of Health’s ‘Healthy Ireland Fund’.

People from across Clare are being encouraged to attend, including family members. “Families are welcome too. Sometimes families advocate on behalf of older people and they may not be aware of the different groups and services available to older people.”

Madge adds that there is currently a national drive on to encourage more people to volunteer with the Older People’s Council and they will be taking applications at the Health & Wellbeing Age Expo.

To find out more about the Older People’s Council, find them on Facebook or visit the Clare County Council website.