2 minute read

Letter from the Publisher


Two years ago, the country held its breath, as we waited to hear if we would go into lockdown. Companies struggled to stay afloat, employees were laid off or put on furlough, and the restaurant industry tap-danced into the new dining experience.

I was working for a well-known magazine, but having been there for less than a year, I was lumped in with those put on furlough. Like many others, I tried to traverse the murky waters of unemployment. The thought of sitting idle and simply waiting to hear if I could go back to work or not was nauseating. After three weeks of furlough, my significant other and I decided it would be best if I resigned, and that’s the story of how I became a publisher.

I had the luxury of working from home, but many did not. In this issue, we sat down to discuss what it was like for some of the people who stayed in the outside workforce—from skilled nursing facilities to RV dealerships. Even though we have been swimming in these waters for the last two years, there is no doubt that in March 2020 we fell into a state of worry and uncertainty.

Let’s not get completely lost in memories from the lockdown. We also have great stories from Cindy Grimes and the Appleton Museum. Plus, you can learn about Off Duty Tavern owner Susan Damien, saddle up with Sadé Cain, and hustle with our feature Trevor DeShaw.

Finally, Lisa Anderson Media, our parent company, is sponsoring a story about a group whose mission aligns closely to that of our own. Please be sure to check out the GIVErtorial featuring Ignite Ocala.

As always, I hope you enjoy the stories and share them with your friends and family.

Most Sincerely,


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