3 minute read

Leading the Caring Circle Committee at Temple Kol Tikvah

The Charlotte Jewish News, April 2023

By Bonnie Tuma

As a spiritual person, I have always felt a strong connection to my faith and a desire to help others in need. That’s why I decided to take on the role of leading the Caring Circle Committee at Temple Kol Tikvah.

I want to share my journey and the reasons behind my decision to serve the community in this way.

First and foremost, I believe in the power of community. In our fast-paced and often hectic lives, it can be easy to feel isolated and disconnected from those around us, but, when we come together as a community, we can offer support, comfort, and encouragement to one another. That’s why I believe in the importance of the Caring Circle. Our purpose is to make a positive impact on the lives and families of the congregation. When a congregant or family member experiences a crisis such as a death or illness, or when there is a special occasion such as a birth or adoption, the Caring Circle members reach out to the congregant. We send greeting cards, make phone calls, deliver Shabbat baskets, make meals, and provide shiva support with catered platters.

In addition to the power of community, I also believe in the importance of compassion and empathy. Our world can often be a difficult and challenging place, and it’s important that we reach out to others and offer them a hand of support. By leading the Caring Circle, I have the opportunity to help and support others. I believe that even the smallest act of kindness can have a big impact, and I am eager to help spread love and compassion to those in my congregation.

Finally, I see my role as a leader of the Caring Circle as a way to give back to my community and to deepen my own spiritual practice. By serving others and helping to create a sense of community, I believe that I can grow as a person and deepen my connection to my faith. I see this role as a way to put my beliefs into action and to make a positive difference in our congregation. I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to play a role in that journey.

Photo Caption Bonnie Tuma

Bonnie Tuma

Bonnie Tuma