2 minute read

Beyond The Classroom

Community Service and Service Learning

Service Learning and Community Service are embedded into curricular studies as a way to help students internalize and practice CEE’s core values. Students learn about a variety of social issues, including homelessness, hunger, and environmental conservation through literature, research, and interactions with local and national organizations. They are empowered to publicize their causes and to contribute in a variety of meaningful ways.

We view Service Learning and Community Service as two different approaches to support the caring and concern young people have for their world. Service Learning is a method of teaching that connects classroom lessons and skills with meaningful service to the community. Curriculum is always at the core of Service Learning. Community Service, on the other hand, can be performed at any time, for any reason, and is not necessarily tied to curriculum.

With the support of our Community Service parent volunteers, CEE collaborates with the school community to support various causes by organizing food, book, and clothing drives. In addition to this, CEE has created a Whole School “Day of Service” where students have the opportunity to experience both hands-on volunteerism and the joy of serving their community through organizations in the Los Angeles area. In our first year of the Day of Service, we organized over fifteen field trips in one single day and came back together afterwards as a community to reflect on the day’s experience. Even in its first year, CEE’s Day of Service certainly brought our core values to life!

CEE Families

“CEE Families” are small groups, made up of children from each grade Kindergarten-6th grade. CEE Families meet every six weeks to participate in community-building activities and projects. This co-curricular program focuses on promoting a nurturing, inclusive learning environment. By working together to bring to life community-building projects, students learn to function as a unit that requires teamwork, leadership, and a range of other social and emotional tools necessary for bonding. CEE’s core values are embedded in all aspects of these meetings, and current 6th grade students plan and lead many of the sessions. Each year, the CEE Families also move out into the community beyond the school, engaging in community service at various local organizations.

Field Trips

Field trips begin in Early Childhood 2 as children explore their local community, museums, gardens, fire stations, and more! As children move through the Elementary program, they continue to participate in occasional field trips that focus on the arts, sciences, and service learning. Our Upper Elementary students participate in overnight field trips connected to the science curriculum, social studies, and social-emotional learning.

Recess and Lunch

Our children have several recess periods each day. In Early Childhood, our day is based on choice and much of that choice happens outdoors! In Kindergarten and Elementary, students have regular recess periods. We know that they need to move their bodies, practice cooperative games and social negotiation, and enjoy fresh air!

Based on research of what’s healthiest and developmentally appropriate for children, we use a “Play First, then Eat” approach to elementary lunchtime. Lunch is an opportunity for students to connect with each other as well as with faculty, staff, and parent volunteers. All Elementary students may order a nutritious hot lunch or bring their own lunch from home. In addition, Pizza Friday is a much beloved CEE tradition!