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FOCUSONFAITH Eucharist: The heart of life

Jesus said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” While Jesus had in mind all Ten Commandments, perhaps it is the word, “if” that captures most of my heart and attention.

Do I love Jesus? Do I trust Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind and strength? While each of the commandments requires us to put ourselves in a proper relationship with God and our neighbor, it is the first three commandments that assist me and our parish family in examining our relationship with God. Consider the Third Commandment: “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.”

In speaking with parents and grandparents in the Catholic Church and in all denominations about “keeping holy the Sabbath day,” sadly, often the answers are, “I am busy on Sunday. I have things to do. We have sports to play. My parents are busy, too.” Are you surprised by what I am hearing?

While these answers are all given to me in a matter-of-fact way, it is Jesus’ statement, “If” that most pierces my heart. Again, do I love Jesus? Do I trust Jesus?

In the Acts of the Apostles, God worked miracles through Philip, Peter, Paul and John to overcome indifference and to catch people’s attention. Are you aware of a recent eucharistic occurrence that is presently under investigation as a miracle and happened in Thomaston, Connecticut, through the intercession of a parish priest named Blessed Father Michael McGivney? Blessed Father McGivney is the founder of the Knights of Columbus. Ironically, the event occurred in St. Thomas church,