2 minute read

Why I am Catholic

By Steven C. Anderson

first inkling of a calling was forming within me.

Then one day, I decided to sit in the front row at the Cathedral. I started to listen, pray and reflect. I had never done this before, and something was beginning to stir inside. Raised Lutheran, I never thought of becoming Catholic. Even though I played piano and organ at four or five Masses on a weekend plus weddings and funerals, didn’t — who began to suggest and encourage me to do OCIA. So, when my good friend asked me if she could be my sponsor, I said yes. Oh boy did the word spread! I had the entire church community supporting me.

My path to becoming Catholic began 21 years ago when I started accompanying Mass on piano and organ at St. Joseph in West St. Paul. How crazy to think that after 21 years of sitting in the front row, I finally realized this was my spiritual home all along.

Cathedral Hill or “the Hill” in St. Paul is where I live, work and have raised my family. My weekly routine included runs on Summit Avenue past the Cathedral. Oftentimes, I would enter the Cathedral and sit in the back when there was no Mass going on. The architecture and beauty always gave me pause. I believe it was there, sitting in the back row of that empty space, where the

I saw Church as a job, a way to make money while doing what I loved. Father Michael Creagan, pastor of St. Joe’s, was a constant source of inspiration to me. Not only was he my boss, but he was a friend who edified me with his preaching for over 15 years — plus, we have a shared love of good coffee!

Last summer, when I was playing for a renewal of wedding vows, Father Mike Schmitz was presiding. During his homily, he asked everyone, “Are you willing to accept God’s love for you exactly as you are today?” That hit me like a lightning bolt and inside I felt a resounding yes.

I went home and noticed the cross on my wall that my Aunt Val Pezzani gave me six years ago. Val knew what she was doing before she died, and I know that cross was filled with prayers and hope for me.

I’m guessing that is when the Holy Spirit got to work. There was a succession of people — some I knew, some I

As I stood before the altar during Easter Vigil this year, I knew I had found my spiritual home. For the days and weeks following the vigil, I was overwhelmed with the response from so many people with thoughtful cards, books and gifts. I could not be more grateful.

Becoming Catholic has been transformative. I have found the spiritual home that had been waiting for me all along. It took 21 years of me being in the front row physically, but now I am actually in the front row spiritually. I am excited to see where my faith leads me, as my journey has just begun.

Anderson, 57, is a member of St. Joseph in West St. Paul and a father of five. He enjoys running, tennis, musicals, fast cars and “probably too much coffee!” He said he is “blessed to do what I do and I’m working on new music for the Catholic Church.”

“Why I am Catholic” is an ongoing series in The Catholic Spirit. Want to share why you are Catholic? Submit your story in 300-500 words to CatholiCSpirit@arChSpm org with subject line “Why I am Catholic.”