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Nikki Haley to Run for President in 2024


Nikki Haley, who previously served as the governor of South Carolina, announced in a video on Feb. 14 her bid for president in 2024. Haley is the first Republican to run against former president Donald Trump, and if successful in the primary, she would be the first woman and the first Asian American to be nominated by the Republican Party for president.


Haley also served as the UN Ambassador under the Trump administration and left the administration on good terms with the former president in 2018. Donald Trump has publicly supported Haley’s entrance in the race. CNN reports that the former president received a call from Haley in which she told him about her possible campaign launch. He responded by telling her, “You should do it.”

Within white newspapers, black people were usually seen as nothing more than caricatures of real people, never to be taken seriously or valued on the same level as white Americans. These new black papers allowed insight into real African American lives, struggles, and triumphs like never before.

These papers also carried a responsibility to uplift African Americans. A main focus was urging black Americans to not take such injustices as they had in the past.

As said by Ida B Wells in The Free Speech and Headlight Journal “It can’t be expected that the negro of today will accept what was forced upon him 30 years back”

Many African Americans also found that the papers were a good way to discuss topics important within the black community with other black people. These papers were used as an early kind of discussion board. Topics would be written about and then talked about within the community.

This movement spawned many prominent Black writers and journalists. People like Ida B. Wells, William B. Scott, Randolph Miller, Pauline Hopkins, And W. E. B. Du Bois became pillars of this movement for black activism through the press.

As time went on though, these newspaper companies proved difficult to sustain. With the black economy in a still very young form, many readers would simply buy one copy and share that amongst the community. This led to very high reader rates but a dismal circulation rate, which turned out to be the downfall of many of these newspapers.

Another reason many of these newspapers never reached their full potential

During her video announcement, Haley stressed the importance of fiscal responsibility, securing the border, and strengthening America. She cited the times where she called for tax cuts in South Carolina and handled the crisis that was the Charleston shooting. She calls for “a new generation of leaders” in Washington, and ends the video saying “I don’t put up with bullies, and when you kick back, it hurts them more when you’re wearing heels.” was the unwillingness of white audiences to read or even support them. Many black publications were even thwarted by hateful white Americans who used threats and other scare tactics.

Haley has been very outspoken about changing the status quo in Washington.

According to FOX News, Haley spoke on how the Republican party needs to expand its base to bring in the Hispanic, Jewish, Asian and African American communities and to start speaking in a way that “lifts everybody up, not just a select few.” Haley has also proposed the idea for term limits for Congress and mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75 years old, which would impact both Trump and Biden, who are both over 75.

As far as some of the key issues go, Haley stands firm in her pro-life beliefs and as governor, Haley signed into law an extreme abortion ban that threatened doctors with jail time for providing care for their patients.

Writers were threatened with lynchings and beatings to try and stop them from continuing their writings.

Still, black journalists and writers prevailed. Many of them would hide their location by moving around constantly. One thing that holds for nearly all the writers of that time was their unwillingness to quit in the face of danger.

They used their pens as weapons against racial injustice rather than cowering after being threatened by bigots. This gave the average black American hope and ambition that they could defeat the hate being cast onto them.

Although many of the black newspapers didn’t stand the test of time, two prominent magazines were created by the same man following World War II.

Jet magazine and Ebony Magazine were created by John H. Johnson following the second world war and quickly became the new beacon for African Americans to look toward for good news, bad news, thoughts, or accomplishments within the black community.

Following the brutal killing of Emmett Till, Jet magazine made a “special report” to push these photos out around America.

These magazines were able to humanize black celebrities and shine a light on successful black Americans. Two things that were fairly uncommon in the 1950s and 60s

According to Perri Irmer President and Ceo of Chicago’s DuSable Museum of African American History during a 2019 CBS This Morning interview, “you would be hard-pressed to walk into a black home back in the day and not find the current edition of Jet or Ebony magazine”

Irmer also said, “we knew we were getting the truth, not somebody else’s version of us.”

The Two Magazines were major during the civil rights movement, remaining a reliable source and a pillar of the black community.

Ebony and Jet have since moved online exclusively, but still have an impact on the black community and continually publish important stories to black people. They continue to tell the truth about African Americans in this country.

In the present day, African Americans Have been able to make a way into mainstream media and journalism on all fronts. There are black journalists in every genre in today’s society.

Sports writers like Scoop Jackson and Stephen A Smith have carved out a role for black people on that front, while April Ryan and Abby Phillip created a space for black people in political journalism. If one is looking for music journalism or criticism there’s Carl Lamarre and Preezy Brown.

They make sure to support other black journalists and inspire the African American youth to believe that doing what they do is possible.

Even though the forms of journalism and the means of distribution have changed, black journalists have maintained the ambition to inspire change and motivate the African American community to continue being great.

Haley has also spoken out against expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act and she defended the Paul Ryan budget plan of 2011 that would have turned Medicare into a premium support system, effectively ending access to Medicare for millions of Americans.

Haley has publicly criticized many GOP opinions on immigration. NBC reports that Haley would like to see

America fix “our broken immigration system,” but does not support open borders. Haley will likely encounter competition from other potential GOP candidates such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who are all rumored to run in 2024.

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