4 minute read

Here we go again

by Marvin Bublitz

Perhaps it was at a wedding or other family gathering. Maybe it happened as a group of your friends gathered. Suddenly, one of your family or friends started telling a story. As they start, you find yourself thinking: “Here we go again.”

Or maybe it was one of your friends coming to you after they had wronged you. You know what is coming, because it has happened so many times before: “Here we go again. They will say ‘I am sorry’ and all will be ok until the next time.” And you know there will be a next time when tempers flare and words cut deep.

Alas, here we go again.

We are at the beginning of Lent. Here we go again hearing all those familiar texts. Here we go again following the way of sorrows to the blood-stained cross. On the way, we shall again be exhorted to take a good honest look at ourselves. We look deep into our being and see what is lurking there. And when we do, it is not like looking at a beautiful garden paradise. Rather, it is a glimpse into the darkest corners of the Old Adam.

As we stare into that abyss that is our self, we hang our heads in shame. Like St. Paul, we know the good we want to do, but we keep doing the evil we detest. Sadly, when presented with options, the Old Adam leads us astray and... here we go again. Here we go down that road the people of God were never meant to travel—the road that leads to disobedience and destruction, to conflict and condemnation.

So, it is most good, right, and salutary that we travel the Lenten road again. Here we go again to our knees in repentance. Here we go again to our Lord and Saviour seeking His mercy and forgiveness.

But imagine if, as He sees us coming, knowing the sin and guilt we carry, He were to say: Here we go again. Here we go again, my sinful creation whose every thought is only evil all the time, these sinful rebellious children are coming to me seeking mercy. Enough already.

What a lost state would be ours if He thought of us as we often think of others who are seeking our forgiveness. But His ways are not our ways. No, when He sees us coming in repentance, the angels of heaven rejoice. He joyfully declares to the repentant: Here you go again. Here you go again and receive from My throne of mercy and grace My Holy Absolution.

When Sunday comes, here we go again to the House of the Lord. It is there He speaks His Word into our ears. It is there His Holy Absolution, that sweet balm for the repentant, is pronounced upon us. It is the Lord’s Day and here we go again up to His altar. As we go up, we pass the baptismal font and remember that life-saving water that flowed over us, joining us to Christ’s death and resurrection. Then here we go again as His pastor comes to us with the very body and blood of the crucified and risen Lord for our forgiveness and salvation.

In all this the Saviour declares: Here you go again and again and again. I pour out my mercy and grace for you as I poured it in the waters of Baptism, as I poured it out from the cross, and as I pour it into the chalice. All this I do for you. My love and mercy and grace are for you again and again and again. I have finished it for you and your salvation that you may take the inheritance prepared for you before the creation of the world.

All praise to the Lord of our salvation.

Rev. Marvin Bublitz is Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)'s East Regional Pastor.