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Secret Codes in the Cable Tow


The Photo on the other page was taken from CODEBREAKER-II on Facebook (www.facebook. com/2444144179220007), supposedly meant to reveal a secret message hidden in the Cable Tow publication. What appears to be a simple layout of a lodge room and altar actually hides a QR code that you can scan using the cameras on your cellphones. Try it out.


This Volume (Volume 97, Nos. 1-4) has purposely been laced with numerous other codes and hidden messages for readers to search, follow, and solve. Some, very simple; others, rather intricate. Allow us to reveal the location of some of them across different Cable Tow issues, so that you can start solving the hidden messages we included in them.

1. Pages 57 to 73 of the Pandemic Issue (Volume 97, No. 1) show a series of simple pigpen ciphers which, when decoded together reveal a message leading to this current issue, called the Tech Issue. Can you solve what the decoded message reads? For those who are unaware, the pigpen cipher is also sometimes called the Masonic cipher, and we invite all Masons to learn how to use it. A simple Google search will show you how.

2. Page 98 of the same Cable Tow issue hides another hidden message. If you look closely, some of the letters in that page were purposely underlined. Try joining those underline letters together, one after the after, and see what they read. Here’s a clue: It actually reveals MW Agapito Suan Jr.’s gift to the brethren, during this time of the pandemic.

3. Pages 57 to 63 of the Red Issue (Volume 97, No. 2) show a series of more pigpen ciphers, arranged in the same manner as in the Pandemic Issue. This time, they actually decode a sort of limerick that tells of the reason why you have come there to decipher.

4. Page 101 of the same Cable Tow issue hides another hidden message similar to the one in the previous issue. Again, notice the letters inconspicuously underlined. See what they read together. Hint: It is related to the same code described in item no. 2 above.

5. Page 40 of the Year End / Christmas Issue (Volume 97, No. 3) shows a teaser puzzle called “The Mystery of the 12 Number.” It is still coming soon, but maybe you are confident enough to try and solve it as early as now. We doubt you could though. But give us a guess as to what it is.

6. Pages 45 to 49 of the Year End / Christmas Issue (Volume 97, No. 3) show another series of pigpen ciphers, similar to past issues. Can you easily decode such a cipher by now?

7. Page 112 of the same Cable Tow issue hides another underline-style cipher. Guess the hidden message. By this time, it should already be easy for you.

These 7 hidden codes are what we can reveal so far. Try and solve them, and discover new things along the way. A special prize, complements of the Cable Tow Team, awaits the first brother who could find and solve all of the above. You may email your answers to tct@grandlodge. ph. Good luck, brethren.