4 minute read

Feast of St. John the Baptist MY2019

by Bro. Alvin Yeo Tan of Dadiangas ML No. 225 MDR12-B

Let me begin this article by saying S.M.I.B.


The day was June 23rd of 2019, a Sunday. It happened to be a celebration on the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist. An important day for the Masonic Community, considered to be a “Family Day” for all of us. Present, that day, were members of Demolays, Jobs Daughter and the Amaranths. Everyone gathered to partake in celebration and commemoration.

gave me great pride and joy to be a part of. So much so that our batch (The Petitioners) came early to help with preparations. It seemed we were not the only eager petitioners since many others were there as well to lend a hand. Food rations, ice chests and box piles were organized and transported in their respective stations ready to be served to the incoming welcomed guests. It was exhilarating to see enthusiastic men and women devote themselves to serve others, strangers for the time being, nonetheless. Everyone shared a sense of community, willing to contribute and make use of themselves.

"This story I hope will inspire others to be and act like VW Ricardo F. Jalipa, Jr., PDDGM. A man placed into the seat of authority but instead is on his feet serving and making sure that each and every brethren is served well."

I asked myself what it was about the Feast of St. John the Baptist that draws those who belong to these Fraternal Organization to give of themselves while reveling in merriment. It occurred to me that I belonged to a fraternity of men who greatly devotes themselves to a Higher Being, the one and only GOD. Despite the notion that the practice of masonry inside the lodge excludes the discussion of one's religion. Even politics should not even be brought up, for it may stir-up some disagreements amongst ourselves. This confused me somewhat because an organization distancing itself from politics and religion held annual elections and had Patron Saints which are St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. During December, each and every lodge, under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, are required to hold an election for officers which is somehow related to the idea of politicking. These are interesting topics to be further discussed as I pursue my journey as a Mason. Going back to the family day that occurred on June 23rd of 2019. There was something special happening behind the scenes. Not so much a flamboyant showmanship but a subtle display of character, much like a soft and gentle yet pleasant whisper of a secret only known to dignified men. It seemed like any other gathering but upon close inspection our DDGM for MDR12-B showcased admirable traits becoming of a true leader. He was VW Ricardo F. Jalipa, Jr., PDDGM. To the unkeen eye, it would seem VW Ric Jalipa simply kept on standing from his table to bring back plates of ice. Perhaps the food servers were very busy that day because of the sheer number of attendees. However, even as a petitioner, it occurred to me that in his company were distinguished men considered to be pillars and builders of man in Masonry. Under the scorching heat of the sun, our leader showed great concern for his peers by the simple gesture of bringing them ice to make them feel comfortable. Still, the way he humbly served his companions without weathering, regardless of his stature, awe inspired me. My friend and I couldn’t sit idly by knowing someone like him humbly serves others. We were trying our best to emulate him with lackluster success due to our shy nature. Moreover, under the heat of the sun, the ice we offered guests just melted away. Not to be encumbered, like clockwork, VW Ric Jalipa was quick on his feet and back again to grab several plates of ice. It tantalized me how steadfast and unwavering he was in his conviction to make others feel comfortable. The manner in which he conducts himself, his treatment of others and his belief in the task needed to be completed are examples we need to instill in us and follow. I remember him calling me at around 10PM, telling me he was checking his email and apologizing that he reverted back late. He just came home from a surgery he performed. Instead of going to sleep or rest, he took time to confirm an email that I sent requesting for dispensation. That really just tops it all.

This story I hope will inspire others to be and act like VW Ricardo F. Jalipa, Jr., PDDGM. A man placed into the seat of authority but instead is on his feet serving and making sure that each and every brethren is served well.