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Official Logo Masonic Year 2020-2021


This year, our Grand Master has chosen the heart as the symbol of his administration. It is more specifically and clearly shown as the “Pusong Mason.” Together with the Pusong Mason is the picture of the iconic Juan Dela Cruz, who represents every Filipino.


You may ask, “why Pusong Mason?” Every man who has knocked on the doors of freemasonry was first prepared to be a Mason in his heart. The heart is the center and the source of all virtues. It is where the goodness of a man is held. It is in the heart where the core ideals of Freemasonry are found.

BROTHERLY LOVE: It simply means care and affection for our fellow man, be they be Freemasons or not. We regard the whole human species as one big family.

CHARITY: To remind us that we have responsibilities, first to our family, friends, colleagues, employees, and to everyone else. This virtue means that we have responsibility to help those we can, when we can. We practice not just the act of giving but any act of support and kindness.

TRUTH: This is about morality. To be good and true is the first lesson we are thought in Masonry. We are expected to be good men. To act within the law, to be good and peaceable citizens and to act at all times as we would want others to.

The iconic caricature of Juan Dela Cruz is included in this year’s logo to depict our Grand Master as an ordinary man, in spite of what he has achieved in his private life and career as a public servant. That he is one of us. A humble public servant and a brother mason. Our Grand Master wants to impart that service and care for other people’s need should be every one’s concern, and responsibility. We should all be men for others, always willing to lend a helping hand. When we have shown ourselves to be men for others, we have shown the world the basic tenets of brotherly love, charity and truth. While it is the desire of our

Grand Master that his term of administration should be filled with fun, fun and loads of fun, let us not forget that our actions should not border on intemperance and excess. Let us circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds. Remember brethren that the eyes of the public are always on us and we are all effective mirrors of Freemasonry.

Let us show everyone that the greatness of our ancient craft is measured by the goodness of the hearts of its craftsmen…. Pusong Mason.