2 minute read

Foreword with Mike Reddington

spectrum Autumn 2021

As we approach winter there are signs that industry is returning to its pre-COVID level of business, but we are not in the clear yet. The Government will no doubt be looking closely at the options should there be a peak in COVID 19 infection rates, and this is something that our industry will need to take thus to consideration whilst preparing necessary contingency plans.

Businesses and the general public are also starting to feel the effects of the UK-Transition out of Europe, with reports in some sectors of supply chain issues. The BSIA component supply chain Special Interest Group (SIG) has continued to develop its relationships with other affected key industry bodies to learn more about the supply shortages affecting electronic components across not just our industry sectors, but also those of wider interest such as electrical and construction sectors. Through our discussions we have discovered that the shortage is not just components, but a combination of the fallout from Brexit, a global shortage of haulage drivers and recovery from the COVID pandemic.

We will continue to consult with our members on these issues and lobby government where appropriate raising the concerns of our members and requesting action to be taken to address these issues.

C H I E F E X E C U T I V E ' S F O R E W O R D

On a positive note, since the relaxing of restrictions in the summer, the BSIA team have been able to meet with our members and industry partners face-to- face, including hosting our own BSIA autumn party at the Informa Building in London. It was great to see so many of you there and to welcome some of our newer members whom we had yet to meet face-to-face. We have also been able to attend exhibitions and events, hosting a table at the Women in Security Awards, Cross-sector Safety & Security Communications (CSSC) Charity Dinner and exhibiting across the country as part of Security Twenty21.

With the momentum of more face-to-face events happening, we are looking towards 2022 for the return to the ExCel as part of IFSEC International in May and to the Marriott Grosvenor Square for our British Security Awards in June. Although technology has enabled us to maintain business and professional relationships over the last 18 months, nothing beats the human interaction of live events, and we must remain positive that the Government does not need a Plan B or indeed a Plan C as we approach winter and the new year.

Mike Reddington

Chief Executive

British Security Industry Association