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Come see almost 200 entries in the 2023 Matthew Flinders Art Prize in the Gallery at the Bribie Community Arts Centre right now. The entries have come from across south-east Queensland and are in many mediums.


There are 1st and second prize winners , two highly commended, a BICAS member winner and for the first time, a hanging team winner , known as a “Matty’’.

Visitors to the exhibition can vote for the People’s Choice which will be awarded on Saturday July 29.

The exhibition runs until August 4.

There will be an opportunity to join a Gallery Chat Group at the Centre on Sunday July 30 at 10am.

20 attendees will be allocated five works from the MFAP exhibition to browse slowly for 5 - 10 minutes each.

Then with refreshment in hand, the group will gather into a talking circle and casually share their observations.

If you’d like to join this group, book on 3408 9288.

Our initial interaction with somebody is very important, if not crucial for the opinion we will develop about them. First impressions can be decided whether we will be liked or not. Luckily, this, as with everything else can be learned and practiced. Let’s see how you can make a great first impression on a date, by following these tips.

Picking the right outfit is key to making sure that you look your best and feel confident. The right outfit will depend on the type of date you are going on. If you are going out for dinner, then opt for something classic yet stylish. Choose clothes that fit well and are comfortable enough for you to move around in without feeling restricted. If it’s a more casual outing, like a walk in the park or a picnic, then pick something more laid back but still stylish. No matter what kind of date it is, remember that confidence is key when picking an outfit for your first date!

Maintain cool and be confident. Whether you are meeting someone for the first time or attending a job interview, it is important to maintain your cool and be confident. To make a good impression on your first introduction, you should always be prepared with the right attitude and mindset.

It is important to stay calm and composed in any situation; this will help you come across as confident and reliable. Additionally, being well-prepared with the necessary knowledge related to the topic of discussion can also help you make a great impression. Moreover, having an open-minded attitude towards different opinions can also help you build trust with people around you. Keep the conversation flow - The conversation should flow naturally and be communicative, but it is also important to listen to the other person. When you can keep the conversation going, it shows that you are interested in getting to know the other person better. It also helps build trust between both parties and can lead to more meaningful relationships.

By being communicative but also listening carefully, you can