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JUNEE 2023 www.mypolice.qld.gov.au/moreton

Moreton Police Honoured For Exceptional Work Achievements


Yesterday, Assistant Commissioner Brian Connors APM and Acting Chief Superintendent Anne Vogler recognised the achievements of police officers in the Moreton District.

Fifty-four members of the QPS were presented with awards including the National Police Service Medal, the National Medal, the QPS Medal and other special awards in recognition of officers’ significant years of service.

Assistant Commissioner Brian Connors thanked award recipients for their tremendous dedication to the Moreton community.

“I am proud to recognise the bravery and efforts of our officers, and their contributions to keeping the community safe,” Assistant Commissioner Connors said.

“I have no doubt that their actions have resulted in making Moreton a happy and safe place to live and visit.”

Three National Police Service Medals were presented along with five National Medals and 30 Queensland Police Service Medals.

Constable Christopher Hughes was awarded an Assistant Commissioner’s Certificate for his actions on September 13, 2021, at Mt Morgan, in which he responded to a lifethreatening incident and provided first aid to a man suffering a stab wound. As a result of Constable Hughes’ efforts, the man made a full recovery.

Senior Constable Michael Hartley received his second clasp to the National Medal regarding his 35 years of service, along with Acting Superintendent Lee Jeffries and former Senior Sergeant Garth Peake, who were awarded their 40-year clasp to the QPS Medal. Several QPS members were awarded the District Officer’s Certificates for their actions in major operations within the district, resulting in the removal of a significant number of drugs and firearms.

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Other 3

Assault 9

Unlawful Entry 16

Other Property Damage 3

Unlawful Use of Motor Vehicle 4

Other Theft (excl. Unlawful Entry) 5

Fraud 2

Drug Offences 20

Trespassing &Vagrancy 2

Good Order Offences 4

Traffic & Related Offences 15