1 minute read


• Turn the water off while you brush your teeth.

• Shower with a friend.


• Use your automatic dishwasher and clothes washer for full loads only.

• Keep a bottle of cold water in the refrigerator. This eliminates the need to run the tap water until it is cold enough to drink.

• Check your toilet for leaks by putting a few drops of food colouring in your tank. If the colour shows up in the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a wasteful leak that is costing you money and is wasting water.

• Take shorter showers. Time yourself!

• Use a broom instead of water to clean your driveways, patios and sidewalks.

• Don't run the hose while washing your car. Instead, fill a bucket with soapy water and then rinse.

• Only water your lawn when necessary. If the grass springs back after you step on it, then it does not need to be watered.

• Recycle water from fish tanks. Use it to water plants. Fish emulsion is a good, inexpensive fertilizer high in nitrogen and phosphorous.

• Check your taps for leaks today. Replace worn washers.

• Never pour toxic chemicals down the drain, on the ground, or in the trash. Choose natural household cleaners like borax, ammonia, vinegar, and baking soda and recycle hazardous household waste at waste collection centres.

• Promote water conservation by watering trees and plants only once a week.

• Place a layer of mulch around trees and plants to retain water.