1 minute read

William Seed by Angela Cheveau

William Seed by Angela Cheveau

Mira Flores (‘look at the flowers’)


From humble origins I came from nowt, ‘little seed’ me ma called me, said I was to be planted in the rich soil of the big charity school, to blossom one day into a fine man with fancy words, an’ new worlds to explore. In me dreams I sailed, ‘neath seas of stars, I steered me ship, master of me own destiny. Crawled out of the grime-soaked gutter, from parents with pockets full of poverty, bent low with sadness and shame I soared above the dirty streets clothed in tattered dreams, days dreamin’ of a better life, nights conjurin’ fantasies, spinning a master’s garb from me faded blue coat, woven from old sail canvas, I fashioned a jacket with bright buttons of battered tin glittering sunlit silver. I rose up, left the grimy streets behind to sail on mirrored seas, Until one night, me fortunes changed forever. I, a lowly mate, the silver moon a flipped coin, was tossed on fates twisted kiss, swept into the arms of the seethin’ sea, rocked gently in its soothin’ lullaby. I dreamt once more of me Ma’s kind face, her pride at the sight of me bright blue coat eyes haunted by hunger but filled with hope, an I whisper a prayer with the frothin’ sea bloomin’ all around me like white flowers floatin’ an’ I, sinkin’, sinkin’ me lungs fillin’ “Ma, can yer see?” “Can yer see the flowers bloomin all around me?” “Your little seed, blossomed into the man you once prayed for?” Her lovely face driftin’ gentle as a snowflake her warm smile spreadin’ over the waters, the touch of her soft hand as I sink down into the fathomless sea folded deep within her gentle embrace.