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Rising from the ashes, senior athletes recall their final seasons


BY: Nanaki Bawa, Harini Kannan, & Alexa Veneros|DESIGN BY: Amelia Chen

Photo by Megan Hayes

This season meant to me, as a senior, being able to play for the last time and having no regrets. I left my mark on the team. It meant playing on the court for the last time before I head off to college. It meant leaving something at Rock Ridge that will be there forever. - Neve Perez This season meant everything to me. The realization that it was the end of an era didn’t set in until I got voted as one of the team captains. Being voted captain proved that all my love for the sport and my hard work had finally paid off. - Evan George

Photo by Sarah Baig

Photo courtesy of Victor O’Neill Playing golf is like therapy. This year was my final year, and I was just happy to be able to hang out with [my] team one more time before heading off. I've made so many connections on the team, and great experiences, and I was happy to have that before graduating. - Madison Taggart

I want to soak up all of the fun that comes with baseball, especially since last year was cut short. My teammates are all great and the energy is exciting. They come out to every practice with a good mindset and we all inspire each other. - Tyler Morris

Photo courtesy of Tyler Morris

I am very grateful to be having a season with all the events in the world that are going on. What motivates me to play soccer is my teammates and how they push me to become a better player and teammate. - Kaylee


My biggest motivation to do gymnastics is just knowing that I’m making a comeback, being out for two seasons with two knee surgeries. Everyday, I go into the gym knowing I have something to prove, and that really pushes me. This season meant a lot to me as a senior, and it sucked because I couldn’t compete due to injury, but I was just happy to be able to help my teammates in any way I could. - Esha Nagireddi

One achievement I’m most proud of is my development over the years of playing. The previous years shaped me to be the player I am today. Being the only senior on the team means being a leader and setting the standard for everyone. Younger players look up to you so you must lead by example. - Ryan Leach

During the winter season, I placed fifth in the region for shot put. That was huge for me because it was my first season throwing. Participating in a sport is probably the closest thing that resembles my normal life in our current situation. It provides a break for the screens and Wi-Fi issues. This season especially is important because it is the last one I have, and I want to make it count. - Sachi


I love the sport of volleyball because we can train to be better and we have the flexibility to play several positions, and overall, play the sport with a team of 12 amazing girls. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to play my senior year, since it’s my last year playing at this level. - Jayden Thomas

Photo courtesy of Victor O’Neill

Photo courtesy of Victor O’Neill Lacrosse and being on that field is my happy place and makes me smile every time I grab my stick and mouth guard. All in all, this season is weird, and we started very late in the year, but myself, the rest of the team, and coaches are going to make it the best it can be. - Haley Priftis

I really like the exhilarating feeling of racing, and I really enjoy the family that comes out of being on a team, whether it's an individual or team sport. As a senior, this season meant that it was the most important in terms of achieving new goals and making new friends because it was my last year

on the team. - Meghana Guttikonda Photo courtesy of Meghana Guttikonda

Photo courtesy of Will Weston An achievement I am most proud of achieving in swimming was my “most dedicated” plate award I got at the end of the year banquet. I’ve been swimming since I was very young, and I’ve always loved being in the water. This season was very different because of the coronavirus, but I’m glad I still got a final season. - Will Weston

Playing with my brothers one last time meant the world to me, and I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for it. My biggest achievement in basketball is getting a Division III offer to continue to play basketball in college. I really just love the sport and that motivates me more than anything to be the best I can possibly be. - Nick Ondrus

Photo courtesy of Nick Ondrus Photo courtesy of Mi -

I was just happy I could help our senior field hockey players have a season that they could actually play in. In our game against Park View, I scored my first and last field hockey goal! - Lucy Cooper

Photo courtesy of Victor

O’Neill The season has been different due to COVID-19. It led to a shortened season, meaning more matches per week and less practices. Although the season has been a lot of work, I think the higher frequency of matches brought the team closer together. Tennis is a very mental game, and I know that I can play at a high level, which is why I continue to play. - Krivi Panidepu

Photo courtesy of Victor

This season was my proudest moment, overall; with my teammates and coaches inspiring me to become better personally and physically, [I was able to] reach my own goals. However, [the] challenges I faced were specifically with COVID, as it shifted my mindset a little. Yet with my team by my side, I was able to show resilience more quickly. - Nathan Ayestas

Photo courtesy of Victor

I would say my favourite thing about this year is playing doubles. This year to me is really just the last time that I might play with a team. I would say that a tennis achievement I'm proud of is beating John Champe to go to regionals. - Rylee Isaac

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