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Astrology for Creators July


“Fill Your Cup”

(Western Tropical Astrology. Time Zone EST/EDT)

Deanna Musgrave

July has the potential to support creativity with fiery passion and delight however, there is also the opposite polarity of destructive anger. My advice is to be aware of the conflict of the world but, to take advantage of the positive energies July has to offer.

For those who celebrate Independence and Canada Day in early July, the energy will be mixed. The month starts off on July 1st with an almost conjunction between Mars and Venus (within a 34 degree orb) in Leo that is also making a tense aspect of squaring Uranus in Taurus. Mars and Venus can be a fiery romance or passion however, with the square over to Uranus it likely has an aspect of rebellion, shock, or innovation. With the Mars and Venus coming close in Leo, this could be about passionate leadership in the collective. With the square over to Uranus in Taurus, it could involve a tense exchange with humanitarian protest. For the individual creator this could be a struggle with expressing a new creative idea. Squares can become a positive aspect if the tension is overcome so if you are struggling on that day with a creative project know that this friction has the potential to create a pearl. On this day there are also a lot of positive aspects in the sky that could assist to overcome this square angle. As one example, we have a Sun to Mercury conjunction in Cancer making a positive sextile to Jupiter in Taurus. This feels like bright (Sun) and big communications (Mercury) of a nurturing tone (Cancer) of something big and jubilant (Jupiter). To paint a picture of the entire first week of July, it’s like a party where nurturing Cancer is in sparkling attire ready to communicate love while luxurious Taurus showed up with a big feast. It will be these two characters of Cancer and Taurus who can save the tone of a celebration which has gotten out of hand due to a passionate Leo having an intense debate with a rebellious innovator. So, if you find yourself in that situation during the first week of July, channel that nurturing Cancer and abundant Taurus to focus intense people towards delicious food (at least that is what I would do…). Quickly after on July 3rd we have a Full Moon in Capricorn which increases these energies with a focus on and/or a closure event in the areas of government leadership and institution. This is why I consider the early July celebrations to be mostly joyful however, there is likely going to be something tense for leadership to deal with.

Following the early July celebrations we have a series of positive aspects between July 9th – 14th that artists should take advantage of. July 9-10th is a positive day for creators as Mercury in Cancer is making a trine to Neptune in Pisces. When Mercury and Neptune get along, it makes for great expressions of dreamy ideas. This would be an ideal day to work in the studio! Also on July 10th Mars will shift into Virgo which might change the flavour of everyone’s passions and anger. You might feel a fire (Mars) chasing you to organize (Virgo) your studio! The day after on July 11th Mercury enters Leo which allows for more communication of creative Leo-like ideas. On July 13-14th the Sun in Cancer will sextile Uranus in Taurus bringing forth the possibility of an enlightening an innovative idea.

The major feature of July 2023 will be the North Node shifting out of Taurus and into Aries in midJuly. If you go by the True North Node, the first ingress into Aries is on July 17th at 6:00pm EST however, if you look at the basic North Node it is on July 12th at around 2:52pm EST. In my own practice, I consider both and will be noting events around those dates. What I will be looking for is to see if there is a final event to mark the lessons of the Taurus North Node while also something that points to what the Aries North Node themes are going to be until January 2025. The North Node moved into Taurus back in January 2022 which, according to astrology, would bring a collective focus to food, housing, money, the environment, land, art, and beauty. With the North Node shifting out of Taurus, I’m hoping to see some solutions coming forward to resolve these issues however, I am aware that the Taurus Eclipse in the fall and Uranus in Taurus until 2026 will likely continue to carry on some of these themes. My hope is that the shift of the North Node into a different sign, while Uranus remains in Taurus, will bring more of the focus into innovative solutions that will resolve by the end of 2026.

With that shift of the North Node into Aries the collective focus is going to be moving towards the axis of Aries/Libra which will bring about a lot of anger, passion, protests, conflict, and an increased possibility of war. Aries the goat is very much about “I am” statements and claiming one’s boundaries. Aries also rules the first house in astrology which has everything to do with appearance and body. During this time, I expect to see a collective focus on identity, sovereignty, body modification and gender politics. Given Aries’s association with sports, we will likely see debates and a restructuring as to how sport leagues work. Aries also has a lot to do with entrepreneurship which I anticipate a growing focus on in response to AI advancement. Given that Aries is associated with military and war, I do have concerns when I look at the writing on the wall with global events. On the opposite end of the Aries North Lunar Node will be Libra having to do with justice, law, partnership, harmony, and aesthetics. Many astrologers might see this time with the North Node pointing to Aries and the South node pointing to Libra as an increase of Aries energy and a decrease of Libra. Considering the former, this might look like a loss of the ability for the collective to find common ground and make peace. As creators, with this transit it is a good idea to be aware of how anger or passion impacts our practice. For some, getting angry about the injustices of the world can ignite a series of artworks or passionate musical compositions however, it could go the other way with the frustration fizzling out all creative energy. This is an energy that will be in play until early 2025 so, please take some time to feel into the Aries energy and utilize it in a way that serves your creative practice.

On the same day as the True North Node shifts into Aries on July 17th we have a New Moon in Cancer. In my opinion, this is a great day to plant seeds for what is to come during the Aries North Node transit and to focus on adding entrepreneurial fire to your creative career. The most positive manifestation of the Aries North Node for artists is a fiery push in your business and combining this intention with this creative Cancer New Moon is a potent mix.

There are a few aspects during the latter half of July that will deeply impact creators. On July 1920th the Sun in Cancer will Trine Neptune in Pisces which is a great energy for intuitive and dreamy artistry. July 23rd is an important date to note for creators as Venus will go Retrograde in Leo on the same day that the Sun enters this sign of the sunny lion. The Sun moving into Leo brings bright energy to creative passions and play however, with the Venus Retrograde you might find you are more introspective with your studio practice. Venus Retrograde is the best time to self-reflect on how you outwardly express Venusian energy in your art form. We finish off the month on July 27th with Mercury conjunct Venus in Leo which might bring forward new ways to express yourself.

In conclusion, we are going to need the joy offered within months like this July to build capacity for what is coming. To speak intuitively, I don’t see the highs and lows we have come to see as our “new normal” settling down until 2032. So, when I see a month like this July, that mostly offers positive aspects, I take advantage to fill my cup.

Deanna Musgrave is an artist, energy worker, channel, and hypnotherapist. You can contact her through her websites at: www.deannamusgrave.com www.artisthehealer.com


Ilene is an established fine art figurative painter. She is known for her expressive and colorful paintings and her use of lines, which has become a signature style of her work. Ilene’s work is highly consistent and recognizable. Working as a published children’s book illustrator for many years has helped Ilene create a narrative with her work, which often features people in whimsical and fantastical situations.

Ilene is a Past Board Member of the National Association of Women Artists and an artist member of the Rockport Artist Association and Museum.

Ilene Richard – 978-621-4986, www.ilenerichard.com, ilene.richard@gmail.com, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ilene-Richard-IllustratorPainter/109216825770985

Berkshire Digital

Since opening in 2005, Berkshire Digital has done fine art printing for artists and photographers. Giclée prints can be made in many different sizes from 5”x7” to 42” x 80” on a variety of archival paper choices. Berkshire Digital was featured in PDN magazine in an article about fine art printing. See the entire article on the BerkshireDigital.com website.

Berkshire Digital does accurate hi-res photoreproductions of paintings and illustrations that can be used for Giclée prints, books, magazines, brochures, cards and websites.

“Fred Collins couldn’t have been more professional or more enjoyable to work with. He did a beautiful job in photographing paintings carefully, efficiently, and so accurately. It’s such a great feeling to know I have these beautiful, useful files on hand anytime I need them. I wish I’d called Fred years ago.” - Ann Getsinger

We also offer restoration and repair of damaged or faded photographs. A complete overview of services offered, along with pricing, can be seen on the web at BerkshireDigital.com

The owner, Fred Collins, has been a commercial and fine art photographer for over 30 years having had studios in Boston, Stamford and the Berkshires. He offers over 25 years of experience with Photoshop, enabling retouching, restoration and enhancement to prints and digital files.

The studio is located in Mt. Washington, but drop-off and pick-up is available through Frames On Wheels, 84 Railroad Street in Great Barrington, MA (413) 528-0997 and Gilded Moon Framing, 17 John Street in Millerton, NY (518) 789-3428.

Berkshire Digital - 413 644-9663, www.BerkshireDigital.com

Sally Tiska Rice

Sally Tiska Rice was born and raised in the Berkshires and is a multi-media artist who employs many different techniques into her paintings, using acrylic, watercolors, oil paints, pastels, as well as mixed media pieces. Sally is inspired by her surroundings in the rural town where she lives with her husband and pets.

Sally uses spontaneity to compose artwork, but she also creates personal commission paintings, including people, pets, homes, and churches. Sally hand painted stationery for Crane Co. where she was employed for 25 years. Her work has won awards nationally and internationally, and she is a member of the Clock Tower Artists of Pittsfield, The Guild of Berkshire Artists, Berkshire Art Association and Becket Arts Center.

You can find more about Sally Tiska Rice’s artwork on her website. And to see more of Sally’s work in person, visit the following venues:

The gallery walls of the Clock Tower, Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm for self-guided tours, Open Studio Saturday, July 1, 11am-4pm; Open Studio Friday, July 7, 5pm-8pm; Open Studio Saturday, August 5, 11am-1pm; or call to set up a studio appointment at the Clocktower Business Center, 75 South Church St., third floor, studio #302, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 413–446–8469.

Soma’s Aroma’s, 81 East Street, Pittsfield.

Good Purpose Gallery at the Starving Artist Creperie & Cafe, May 16 to July 11, Monday-Saturday 9am-3pm and Sunday 10am-3pm with live music for Sunday brunch, 40 Main St Lee, Massachusetts.

Frelinghuysen Morris House & Studio, Artist Demonstration, Friday, August 4, 11am -2pm, 92 Hawthorne Street, Lenox, Massachusetts.

Hot Plate Brewery Featured Artist, 1 School Street, Pittsfield, MA, August 1-30 with a reception August 4, 5pm-8pm.

Becket Arts Center, Members Show, August 3-21 with the reception Saturday, August 5, 2pm4pm.

Sally Tiska Rice - https://sallytiskarice.com. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Find quality affordable prints of Sally’s work at https://pixels.com/profiles/sally-rice