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Chapter 5 The vet

After another restless night, that girl Aria comes back. Laura and Aria talked for a bit and then we got into the car and drove for what felt like forever. We finally stopped and Aria got out of the car, opened my door, clips my leash on and took me out of the car. We walk to a wood chip area and Laura and Aria both ask “Archer do you have to go potty?” I didn’t know what potty ment, But I did have to use the bathroom so I squatted and left a puddle in the wood chips. Then Laura and Aria got excited about me going to the bathroom. I didn't mind it though because a treat followed their excitement. After that Laura brought me into a big building that smelled of other dogs and a cat. I heard other dogs barking, and howling. Dogs and cats were called one after another to see this person called a “Vet.” Soon enough it was my turn to see the vet. When we entered the room the vet said “ you will need two shots today.” I didn’t know what a shot was but it certainly sounded like the end of my life. She prepared a thing called a “Needle.” with a compartment full of liquid. Then she poked me with it and I let out the loudest squeal ever, to let her know not to do it again. But clearly she didn’t get my note because she did it again and I did the same thing I did the first

Chapter 6 Swimming


One very hot day Laura took me over to Aria’s house and brought me up to this place called a “pool area.” Aria was in a big drinking bowl. It looked like a nice way to cool off. I tried to lap it up but Laura pulled me away before my tongue could touch the water. A few moments later Laura put a puffy jacket on me and then she lured me into the big water bowl and said, “good boy Archer you learn quickly!” I was just paying attention to the fact that I was sinking and splashing water in my face that stung when it hit my eyes. After about a half an hour of water being splashed in my eyes, Laura took me out, dried me off, and then gave me a bully stick to chew on until it was lunch. Another hour had passed. By that time I had finished my bully stick and was ready for lunch. I wandered over to Laura sitting on the edge of the pool and Ryan in it next to her and whined to see if they would get out and bring me home for lunch. Laura understood my signal and clipped my leash on. Then she brought me back over for lunch. She fed me and then put me in the crate. I didn’t fall asleep for a while because I wasn’t tired but then I started to drift off and then I was asleep. When I awoke Laura was standing in the kitchen and watching me closely. I let out a cry to let her know I wanted out but she didn’t do anything so I did it again, “It will be okay Archer just try to go back to sleep” she cooed. I wanted out! And I wanted out now!

Aria Nesbitt: “What inspired me to write this book was one of my favorite authors named W. Bruce Cameron. He wrote a series of books called A Puppy's Tale and I have one of the books he wrote called “Molly’s Story”. It is told from the dog's perspective. So I thought If I wrote a book on my Aunt and Uncle’s dog Archer, it would be the best gift ever for the holidays. Archer means the world to me. If I could go over to my Aunt & Uncle’s house every day to play with him, I would. What also inspired me to write this book was I wanted to follow in my Dad’s footsteps of writing books. It was a lot of fun writing this book and I really hope that Archer, Auntie Laura, and Uncle Ryan will really love this book and they will cherish it forever.”

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