1 minute read


Crossword: Lunar New Year //

3. This festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration.


6. The Chinese first invented this dazzling display in the second century BC to celebrate important moments in life.

8. This is a traditional food eaten in celebration of Chinese New Year — it is a delicious, steamed stuffed parcel.

Sudoku //


1. This tradition precedes Chinese New Year’s Day and involves scrubbing, washing, and mopping.

2. Chinese New Year is also known by this term.

4. These envelopes of money are gifted to children and often the colour _____.

5. On New Year’s Eve, a reunion dinner is often celebrated with _____.

7. This year is the lucky year of the


Horoscopes //

Your weekly life predictions as told by Ageless Azalea

Aries — Mar 21 to Apr 19

You catch yourself laughing at your own jokes. That’s great, Aries. You’re hilarious. Don’t repeat them out loud, though.

Taurus — Apr 20 to May 20

There’s a time and place for everything. Read the room and you’ll find yourself suddenly better at making conversation.

Gemini — May 21 to Jun 20

Some say they discover something new about you everyday. Others say you’re easy to read, and they’re not surprised by what you bring to the table. Which one is true?

Cancer —Jun 21 to Jul 22

Make yourself less predictable.

Leo — Jul 23 to Aug 22

You may strut grocery stores and sidewalks thinking of how mysterious you are, how people are dying to be seen by you, act like you, and think like you — but no, they’re staring because you’re staring.

Virgo —Aug 23 to Sep 22

Life is humbling you for once! Take it as a lesson.

Libra — Sep 23 to Oct 22

The world and its complexities aren’t held down by your personal law; but, likewise, make what you can of the world and acknowledge the grey that exists.

Scorpio — Oct 23 to Nov 21

You interfere with the business of others so often the other signs are beginning to suspect you’re unemployed.

Sagittarius — Nov 22 to Dec 21

Twist around mundane tasks so they become more interesting! An abysmal 9-5? An adventure that has yet to be finished!

Capricorn — Dec 22 to Jan 19

Take up some yoga.

Aquarius — Jan 20 to Feb 18

Acknowledge what you have, not what you lack.

Pisces — Feb 19 to Mar 20

Protect your peace.