20 minute read

HEALTH & BEAUTY – Expert Eye, Ear and Skin Care, Invictus Fitness Centre and Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Hilary Westall

with more exercise advice.


Even though we’re not yet experiencing winter temperatures (November looks set to be one of the mildest on record), the clocks have gone back and the nights

are drawing in. And with this seasonal shift, many of us experience varying degrees of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a depression-like condition that affects mood, sleep, eating habits and motivation. Also termed the ‘winter blues’, it can, at worst, cause severe depression. It’s not surprising that this shift can throw us off kilter. Daylight is vital for our internal body clock, controlling everything from when we eat to how we sleep. Although the exact cause of SAD is not fully understood, it’s thought that reduced daylight hours increase our production of melatonin, making us feel more tired, and decrease our production of serotonin, making us feel more sad. Women are apparently more at risk of SAD, especially young women, although anyone can experience it.

If you’re feeling the effects of SAD, here are some strategies to help you:


Deprivation of natural light is the main cause of SAD so seek it out as much as possible during the winter months. Go outside as early as possible on rising for at least half an hour without a hat or sunglasses, to help adjust to the changing daylight hours and combat increased production of melatonin. The earlier this happens, the less likely we are to feel sleepy and lacking in energy. Aim for a total of at least two hours a day of exposure to natural daylight. When you are inside for any length of time, try and sit by a window.


Exercise is one of the best ways to combat SAD. Even though working out in the winter can feel doubly hard thanks to the lack of daylight and drop in temperature, exercise increases

Are you SAD?

serotonin and endorphin levels (happy hormones) and reduces stress hormone levels. This all helps us to sleep better, feel happier and boosts self-esteem. It also doesn’t really matter what type of exercise you do – the key is to be consistent with it.


One of the most effective ways to manage stress and improve your mood is through exercise. However, if that’s really not your thing, or for whatever reason you’re unable to, then find whatever works best for you. Meditation, socialising with friends, reading a book and any other form of self-care can help reduce your stress levels.


People who suffer from SAD have less deep sleep and more rapid eye movement (REM) sleep during dips in mood. Whilst REM is a vital stage of sleep, deep sleep has a huge impact on our energy levels and overall health. Deep sleep is the stage where our memories consolidate, we process learnings, physical recovery occurs, blood sugar and metabolism level out and the brain detoxifies. A good sleep routine is key, with consistent wake up and bed times. Give yourself time to get into a routine as you’ll feel more rested once your body recognises it’s time to wake up.


What we eat during winter (and all year round) can make a huge difference to how we feel physically and emotionally. Having a diet rich in nutrients and low in sugar and processed foods is key to the effective functioning of the body and mind. Blood sugar plays an important part in this as we feel energized when it rises and sluggish and tired when it drops. Eating the right combination of foods will help keep your blood sugar levels stable and also your mood and energy levels. Slow-release carbohydrates such as oats, whole grains, vegetables, fruit and beans are essential for a stable blood sugar level, combined with healthy fats and protein. Snacks like nuts and seeds are also good for stabilizing blood glucose. It’s important to eat regularly in winter to combat food cravings that tend to be a part of SAD, and to avoid foods that cause a rapid rise and crash in blood sugar levels. Sweets, chocolate, cakes, biscuits, highly processed and sugary foods are all culprits here.


Many of us are deficient in vitamin D during the darker months as the body can only produce it when exposed to direct sunlight, a lack of which has been linked to depression and anxiety. You can take supplements to make up for this shortfall and you can include more vitamin D-rich foods in your diet. Salmon, milk, fortified cereals, red meat and egg yolks are all good sources of vitamin D. Deficiency of vitamin B12 is also associated with low mood and depression. Sources include liver, beef, sardines, yogurt, milk, eggs, cheese and fortified foods. Vitamin B12 also turns food into glucose for energy so if we’re lacking in it, we produce less energy and feel more tired throughout the day.


A light therapy lamp, used for half an hour at the start of your day, can help combat SAD if you can’t get outside. It’s recommended that you use it within two hours of waking, so if you normally wake up at 8am, use the lamp between 8am and 10am.


If you’re really struggling with SAD despite using these methods, there are other treatments available that are the same as those used to treat depression and anxiety. It’s best to see your doctor if this is how you feel, as they can advise on the best treatment and also suggest services designed to help you. Treatments such as medication, psychotherapy combined with light therapy, can be used effectively here.

Hilary is a Level 3 Personal Trainer and Pilates teacher. She runs Pilates, circuits and stretch classes in Chinnor and can be contacted on 07812 097562, email: hilarywestall@gmail.com for further details.

Fat busters

Aesthetic Practitioner, Paige with the Cryoliposculpt handpieces “The most popular area for fat reduction is the abdomen, thighs and chin”

Tired of stubborn fat? Help is at hand with four clinically proven treatments available in Thame from ERA Skin & Laser Clinic

Certain areas of the body such as the tummy, thighs, upper arms, neck and hips can be problematic areas where fat is difficult to lose through regular exercise and healthy eating.

There are surgical options to help you reduce the fat such as surgical liposuction, tummy tucks, arm lifts, thigh lifts and neck lift procedures but many feel these options are a little drastic when the problem is relatively small and instead are looking for nonsurgical fat removal treatments. The team at ERA Skin & Laser Clinic offer a range of non-surgical fat reduction treatments such as Cryoliposculpt® (Fat Freezing), Endoshape® (Ultrasonic Cavitation) and the award winning Emsculpt® (Body Sculpting) System. The Thame based clinic specialises in face and body rejuvenation with fat reduction treatments being one of the most popular options for men and women at this time of year. Bev Maintland went to find out more about how these treatments work, how much they cost and most importantly, how long you need to wait to see results!


Cryoliposculpt is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that can be performed on abdomen, thighs, hips and back. The treatment uses controlled cooling to disrupt and breakdown the fat cells in the area being treated which are then naturally processed and removed by the body. The surrounding skin is not affected by the temperature change. Once the fat cells have been removed, they are permanently gone. The system comprises of duel handpieces, enabling two areas to be treated at the same time. This means that a greater surface area can be covered in each treatment. Treatments can be performed in around 50 minutes and involves no downtime allowing patients to immediately return to their everyday activities including exercise.

Aesthetic Practitioner, Amy with Endoshape Ultrasonic cavitation system

Millions of Cryoliposculpt treatments have been carried out globally and the system is clinically proven to reduce up to 30% of fat cells in a single treatment.


Endoshape® uses ultrasonic cavitation to treat areas which require fat reduction and shaping to improve skin tone and texture. Rather than freezing the fat cells, cavitation uses ultrasonic energy to gently liquefy them. The affected cells are then broken down and excreted through the body’s natural process. Endoshape® is a great option for troublesome areas such as bra fat or more solid fatty areas. Cellulite can also be improved dramatically using this treatment. Each session takes around 45 minutes. Most people require a course of 6 sessions, one every 10-14 days. Treatment sessions start from £250


Emsculpt® uses a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce supramaximal contractions, something that cannot be achieved at the gym through voluntary contractions. The muscle tissue then adapts by remodelling its inner structure resulting in building muscle and burning fat. This technology offers an exceptional way to tone and sculpt the abdomen, buttocks, arms & legs by building muscle and burning fat with no surgery and no downtime Patients undergoing Emsculpt treatment saw a16% average increase in muscle mass and 19% average fat reduction Emsculpt is an FDA-cleared Medical CE-marked device, and the results speak for themselves. Most people require 4 treatments, 2 per week for 2 weeks. Results can be felt from the first session and can be seen after 30 days. Treatment from £495 per session.


Aqualyx injections are a great option to reduce small areas of fat anywhere on the body, including the chin or “love handles”. Aqualyx is a gel-based aqueous solution, which dissolves fat and is biocompatible and biodegradable. Treatment requires the speciallyformulated compound solution to be injected by a medically trained doctor into the problem area. The solution attaches to fatty deposits making them swell and eventually breakdown. The fat cells are then naturally dissolved and flushed out by the body. Results are effective, quick, and minimally invasive.

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections can be used to treat almost all small deposits of fat, but the most popular treatment areas are on the chin, thigh, hips, arm, and stomach. Aqualyx injections at ERA are carried out by Dr Gita Arora, a GP with over 12 years aesthetic experience. Between 1 and 5 treatments are needed depending on how your body responds to the treatment. Results take up to 30 days. Treatment from £400 With all fat reduction treatments lifestyle is important to ensure good treatment results. There is no need to be on a special diet when undergoing fat reduction treatments but drinking plenty of water and eating healthily will ensure that you get the best results. ERA offers free of charge consultations, and monthly treatment plans to help you spread the cost of treatment. If you’d like to discuss fat reduction and find out which treatment would be best for you, simply call the clinic on 01844 698441 or email info@eraclinics.co.uk

“Once fat cells in the treated area are destroyed, they do not return”

Visit www.eraclinics.co.uk to see before and after treatment pictures for all the technologies featured in this article.


Book a Fat Reduction Treatments before 31st December 2022 and receive a £75 gift voucher to spend in the New Year!

The ERA Team

98a High Street, Thame Oxfordshire OX9 3EH www.eraclinics.co.uk 01844 698441 Find ERA on Instagram and Facebook

Made to measure.

A spectacle frame is more than just something to house corrective lenses. With frames created by British designer Tom Davies, Ivan R. Cammack Optometrists can create superior eyewear for all tastes.

We’ve been there, right? Stood alone in the Optometrists, looking at a wall of spectacle frames, trying on pair after pair in the hope that one might suit us and

feel comfortable. “It doesn’t have to be that way,” Dispensing Optician Elizabeth Heaven beams, “most frames are made to meet the needs of “the average” woman or man. In reality, very few of us are average, so I can appreciate how finding the perfect pair can feel daunting. The Tom Davies collection allows me to do more for patients, providing excellent eyewear that is made for the individual, it’s wonderful.” Right from the very beginning of his career, designer Tom Davies identified a need to offer clients

a better solution for well-fitting spectacles that looked good and felt comfortable. He soon found that the spectacle industry made frames fit people, rather than making frames for people, and set about creating bespoke eyewear for discerning clientele. “Every face is different,” Elizabeth continues, “Most spectacle frames simply don’t consider the symmetry or asymmetry of a face, all the subtle contours, the shape and size of the nose, the position of the ears or the prominence of the cheek structure. Through our partnership with Tom Davies I get to make spectacle perfection for my patients.” In a recent survey undertaken by Optegra Eye Health Care spectacle discomfort was one of the main bugbears described by wearers. The survey found that as many as one in five spectacle wearers experienced discomfort on a regular basis. When we think of spectacles we often fixate of how they look and how well we see, when comfort plays a huge part in how we feel about our eyewear and is frequently overlooked. If you’ve ever experienced discomfort with a pair of spectacles, visit Ivan R. Cammack Optometrists, who with the help of Tom Davies, aim to make uncomfortable spectacles a thing of the past. The Tom Davies collection is available at all three Ivan R. Cammack practices, with bespoke consultation appointments available daily.

Ivan R Cammack (Optometrists) Bringing Quality to Eyecare.

Appointment Booking 01844 212048

Ivan R Cammack (Thame)

T. 01844 212048 E. info@ivancammack.com Thame: 01844 212048 Chinnor (01844) 351564 Wendover (01296) 625892

Hearing problems are nothing to celebrate.

Sereta Parker from Oracle Ear Care and the hidden risks of hearing loss.

hristmas is coming and it will be a time when we can all get C together again. Grandparents and grandchildren together – will you be able to hear and join in the games this year?

People put off getting their hearing tested for all sorts of reasons. One reason is, ‘I wouldn’t want a hearing aid!’ Another reason I hear is that people are afraid they will be pressurised into buying expensive hearing aids they don’t need or want. Let’s explore the first reason. ‘I wouldn’t want a hearing aid!’ There is still a stigma surrounding hearing aids (and some myths) – ‘they’ll make me look old’ and ‘they’re great big clunky things.’ These ideas prevent a person doing something important for their health. If you need hearing aids, it is very important to wear hearing aids. Not only do they help you hear environmental sounds, but they also help you to join in a conversation and reduce the need to keep saying pardon (which can make a person seem older that they really are). More importantly, hearing aids do something very important for brain health; they keep neural pathways active which enables better hearing for longer. People tell me they are afraid their hearing will get worse when they start wearing hearing aids. It is, in fact, the complete opposite; it is a use it or lose it situation. Not many people are aware of the importance of hearing for brain health. A study from John Hopkins expert, Frank Lin M.D., Ph. D., shows that there is a strong link between hearing loss and dementia. A mild hearing loss can double the risk, moderate loss triples the risk, and a severe hearing impairment means a person is five times more likely to develop dementia. That is why it is so important to get a hearing test. So, we’ve established that a hearing loss can make you seem old if you keep saying pardon (hearing loss is more noticeable than hearing aids) and your hearing is very important for brain health. ‘They’re great big clunky things’ Hearing aids are now inconspicuous, even from the NHS. They can have a

narrow tube or wire connecting the hearing aid to the ear canal, rather than filling the ear with a plastic mould. You can also get tiny hearing aids which fit entirely in the ear canal from private audiology centres. So that brings us on to the next stumbling block when people think about getting their hearing tested – being pressurised into buying something they don’t need or want. We are very lucky in this country to be able to access free hearing aid provision which works well for thousands of people all over the UK. However, you may feel that you would like something more ‘bespoke’. Choosing where to go for hearing aids is a tricky business – a reputable company will always choose the best hearing aids for you and will never pressurise you to buy something you don’t need or want. Their reputation is too valuable. A good company will always allow a trial period to ‘try’ the hearing aids without obligation. This ensures you are not buying something you are not completely happy with.


People are put off having a check-up in case they’re told they have hearing loss, but it may just be earwax that is stopping you from hearing well. We use a method called microsuction which gently vacuums the wax from the ear canal, allowing sound to enter again. Most people are astounded at the difference wax removal can make. If there’s no wax, we can offer a comprehensive hearing test. This enables you to gather information and make an informed decision without any pressure – we do not sell hearing aids. If you need hearing aids, we can provide details on how to self-refer for free NHS hearing aids, or we can talk you through private options. If your hearing aids are in the drawer, then dig them out and bring them along – our staff are trained to clean and check hearing aids. There is no downside to wearing hearing aids; they help you become more involved with family and friends which keeps you happy and, most importantly, healthy!

Matthew Ball, Senior Audiologist at Oracle Ear Care.

Opening hours:

Monday 9-5pm Tuesday 10-8pm Wednesday 9-5pm Thursday 10-8pm Friday 9-4pm

2 East Street, Thame OX9 3JS Phone: 01844 617 478 Email: admin@oracleearcare.co.uk Website: www.oracleearcare.co.uk

Fit and healthy

Invictus Fitness Centre goes from strength to strength as Jim Sherwood discovered on a recent visit.

Invictus Fitness Centre opened its doors in July 2019. Just as it was getting established, like so many business’s it was hit by the Covid lockdowns.

However, here is a fitness centre that has bounced back superbly. Invictus is a thriving part of the community. Located in a vast building at Wenham Road in Thame. It is a cathedral to health and fitness with many devoted followers. Memberships are up and the classes are more popular than ever. Owner Martin Shipperley always wanted to create an environment that was friendly and social. When I visited a group of ladies had just finished their daily pilates class. Smiling and chatting, they personified this perfectly. A place to keep fit, build strength and meet like minded people. A fitness community that’s part of the community. A good example of this is the 5K Santa Run. Hosted by Invictus in conjunction with Thame Youth projects on the 4th December. All proceeds to charity (£5 per person, see website for details). Invictus Fitness Centre is a state-ofthe-art gym that provides the perfect environment for everyone, young or old, to achieve their fitness goals. With 600sqm of gym floor full of Primal strength kit, Spirit cardio kit and a huge 7 squat racks you are sure to have enough kit to get a great workout, even in peak times. At the heart of the gym is a genuine desire to provide a supportive, inclusive environment for everyone from those new to the whole gym experience to the seasoned gym goer. There is always a fully qualified Personal Trainer on the gym floor, on hand to offer help and advice and keep members safe when working out. Invictus members can not only take advantage of a dedicated weight, boxing, and cardio zone, but they also have a Zen studio situated on the first floor. With over 40 classes a week running every week, there really is something for everyone. Emergency service personnel and teachers get a reduced membership as well as corporate clients. Sports teams can book out the spin studio for bespoke training sessions led by Invictus class instructors.

New to the Invictus Fitness Centre is Allura Aesthetics. Now you can look and feel great as well.

Invictus Fitness Centre is open from 6.00am through to 10.00pm so you can visit outside normal working hours. On top of all this, there is a shop selling supplements, protein powders and sports clothes. Use of all equipment and all classes are included in the £45 per month membership.

THAME OUT READERS OFFER Beat the January rush and join Invictus before December the 31st and pay NO JOINING FEE! Saving you £20 (we know every little helps before Christmas!). Upon joining, take advantage of a complimentary induction with one of our personal trainers and start your journey. For more information, drop in to the club or call the team on 01844 213602. We’d love to have you join the family!

DISCOUNT CODE: TO2022 Join online at www.invictusfitnesscentre.co.uk

3, Wenman Road, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SD 01844 213062 www.invictusfitnesscentre.co.uk info@invictusfit.co.uk


A new face

Originally from Northampton, Emma O’Sullivan is a new addition to Invictus Fitness Centre.

Emma’s business Allura Aesthetics offers a variety of treatments to enhance the natural beauty of your face. The most popular treatments are anti ageing, fat dissolve and dermal fillers. Anti Ageing Injections offer a number of benefits for women and men of all ages. If you want to improve upon your appearance and look younger without surgery then anti ageing injections is a non invasive injectable that can help solve/improve this. Anti ageing injections gently freeze targeted muscle groups typically being the forehead and eye muscles (crows feet) to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment can take up to 14 days for optimal results and lasts anywhere from 3-6 months before you’ll need to make another appointment.

What are the benefits of Aqualyx fat dissolving?

l Aqualyx is a safe and effective fat dissolving treatment l Produces long lasting results on areas of stubborn unwanted fat l It can treat pockets of fat around the chin, chest, abdomen, thighs and arms l Helps with contouring and skin tightening l Non invasive alternate to liposuction

Why Dermal Filler?

l Enhance appearance l Smooth out fine lines l Restore Volume l Diminish vertical lines and enhance the lips l Improve facial symmetry Smooth out your chin crease

For further information or full list of treatments please contact Emma at:

Allura Aesthetics 3, Wenman Road, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SD Call: 07437947383 Email: alluraaestheticsbusiness@gmail.com @allura_aesthetics