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On 14 January, the President of the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC), Mr. Federico Cardini welcomes Mr. Andrea Prete, President of Unioncamere, Italia visiting for the first time Thailand with the aim to implement new activities and opportunities for the Italian Business and Chambers of Commerce System, in Thailand and Southeast Asia in coordination with Italian Institutions.

On 16 January, the Thai Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC) President Federico Cardini with the board of directors of the TICC, welcomes to the President of Unioncamere, Mr. Andrea Prete and the Senior Manager, Mr. Pietro Infante together with H.E Paolo Dionisi, Ambassador of Italy to Thailand and the Head of the Chancery, Mr. Andrea Conti.


On 26 January, the TICC welcomed GULF, as a new member. The meeting was organized with the Head of International Business, Mr. Marty Sinthavanarong who welcomed us to their HQ in Bangkok. TICC is proud to welcome a new distinguished corporation in its business network!