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Student Voice

At The Henley College we listen to our students and encourage them to share their views, involve them in focus groups and discussions on how to improve the student experience and are responsive to their feedback. There are a range of groups available for students to join to contribute to making the College a positive place to study.


Membership of this group enables students to participate more widely in college life and gain a range of skills that they can take forwards on leaving the College. There are opportunities to engage with college management, raise any student concerns or issues, support and help organise events and join in a diverse range of activities as both College ambassadors and student representatives.


There are a range of other student led groups at the College including LGBTQ and Christian Union. You can also become a Tutor Group Representative or Subject Ambassador.


The Henley College is a member of the National Union of Students (NUS) and has its own executive committee, elected by the student body. The President and Vice President are invited to sit on the Corporation Board as student governors. Membership of the NUS has a huge range of benefits for students via their Totum card, that enables multiple discounts, offers and coupons.


Student Profile

Steph is studying Business Extended Diploma Level 3. Steph has had a profound and wide-reaching impact on the college community. As the college EDI (Equality Diversity Inclusion) officer, Steph has strived to make The Henley College an environment where every student regardless of gender, race or religion feels that they are important and that their voices are heard on all levels. Steph has also been an integral part of the EDI events that we hold for our student body. Steph is always looking for new and innovative ways in which to involve a wider number of students and to open up conversation amongst young people raising awareness of issues including, but certainly not limited to, mental health problems, different faiths, students with disabilities, and LGBT+ issues. Steph has worked tirelessly with the college Student Services team and tutors to implement changes that the student body has requested. Most recently Steph was selected from thousands of applicants to partake in Stonewall’s Youth Summit to discuss with 100 like-minded students how they could best tackle LGBT+ inequality amongst young people. In July 2020, Steph’s work was recognised when she received the Education Award for Personal Achievement and one of the first ever Principal’s Awards for outstanding contribution to the college community.