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contacts Contacts




Bentley Drivers Club, WO Bentley Memorial Building, Ironstone Lane, Wroxton, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX15 6ED Tel: +44 (0) 1295 738886 + option (number in brackets, below), Fax +44 (0) 1295 738887, Email: info@bdcl.org Website: www.bdcl.org (access also to the WOBMF Foundation website)


If you wish to contact either of the Club’s insurers the following numbers and email addresses are dedicated for use by our Members.


Website: locktonperformance.com Tel: 0330 123 5406, Email: BDC@uk.lockton.com

Company Secretary, Business Support and Accounts:

Dennis Boatwright, Email: dennis.boatwright@bdcl.org (03) Review Editor: Stuart Newman, Email: review@bdcl.org (04) Advertiser & Diary Editor: Stuart Newman, Email: diary@bdcl.org (04) Web Editor: Stuart Newman, Email: webeditor@bdcl.org (04) Club Shop, Facilities & Events Support: Noel Trewhela, Email: noel.trewhela@bdcl.org (02) Membership Engagement: Helen Deeley, Email: helen.deeley@bdcl.org (01) Forum Manager: Email: forummanager@bdcl.org Competitions: Martin Greenslade, Email: competitions@bdcl.org (06) WOBMF and Archives: Ian Scott, Email: ian.scott@wobmf.org (05)


Website: www.rhspecialistinsurance.co.uk (access to policy documents and self-service forms including ‘request a quote’) New and existing client enquiries: 0330 912 0022 RH Team: rh@ers.com General claims correspondence: claims@ers.com Correspondence for repair of an insured’s vehicle: repairmanagement@ers.com First notification of loss: 0330 123 5992 Windscreen damage: 0345 602 3378 UK breakdown: 0800 783 3280 or 01277 720 763 European breakdown: +44 (0) 1277 235999 or 00 800 999 00 999 Individual ERS underwriting staff contacts for BDC members are as follows: Cameron Jackson: Cameron.jackson@ers.com James Pugh: James. pugh@ers.com Andrew Thomas: Andrew.thomas@ers.com


Eastern Region

Chairman: John Godwin Tel: 07885 674422 Email: john@john-godwin.com Secretary: Caroline Godwin Tel: 07850 486142 Email: carolinegodwin21@gmail.com Treasurer: Angus Thornes Tel: 07522 133667 Email: angusthornes@btinternet.com


David Ward Tel: 07787 577566 Email: daveward840@hotmail.co.uk Alan Osborn Tel: 07958 329340 Email: alan@afosborn.com Joe Wells Tel: 07901 556526 Email: joewellsbdc@gmail.com Chris Townsend Tel: 07768 534811 Email: Chris@langleyabbeyestate.co.uk

Midlands Region

Chairman/Acting Secretary: Tom Commander (Warwick) Tel: 01926 511373 Mob: 07831 682007 Email: commanderrostom@aol.com Treasurer: Graham Stevens (Warwick) Tel: 01926 859949 Mob: 07717 474058 Email: gandjstevens@tiscali.co.uk


Barbara Haig Mob: 07590 219058 Email: barbarahaig@aol.com Adam Howell Mob: 07980 003884 Email: acfhowell@hotmail.com Grant Charlesworth-Jones Mob: 07376 332964 Email: gcharlesworth_jones@hotmail.com Ian Henderson Email: irh@advancedforensics.com

East Midlands Region

Chairman: Jeremy Marshall Roberts, Tel: 01476 550777 (Corby Glen) Email: jeremy@vintagecars.co.uk Deputy Chairman: Paul Flower, Tel: 07717 202003 (Castle Bytham) Email: nimrod66@hotmail.co.uk Secretary: Pat Connock, Tel: 01778 590508 (Stamford) Email: pat.connock@btinternet.com Treasurer: Richard Rouse, Tel: 01636 813503 (Southwell) Email: rousejr@outlook.com


David O’Connor, (Spilsby) 07860 558141 Email: davideoconnor@aol.com Alastair Payne (Retford) 01777 702012 Email: janeypayne77@btinternet.com David Kirkpatrick (Lincoln) 07539 425557 Email: dw.kirkpatrick@virginmedia.com Ken Davies, (Retford) 01777 700563 Email: kenparkfarm73@yahoo.co.uk David Wright (Tamworth) 07815 209057 Email: davidstonton@gmail.com John Strange (Gaddesby) 01664 840075 Email: johnstrange358@gmail.com David Spencer (Scunthorpe) 01724 764476 Email: dspencer1320@btinternet.com

Mid-West Region

Chairman: Terry Unwin, Tel: 01747 854118 (Shaftesbury) Email: terryunwin@ymail.com Secretary: Delphine Clarke, Tel: 07711 058833 (Havant), Email: delphineclarke@gmail.com Treasurer: Paul Spencer, Tel: 01608 646155, (Chipping Norton), Email: pdspencer@cantab.net


Chris Pack, Tel: 01258 817858 (Dorset), Email: candcpack@outlook.com Paul Hoddinott, Tel: 01730 300375 (Petersfield), Email: phoddinott@aol.com George Klepp, Tel: 01275 333351 (Bristol), Email: gklepp@aol.com David Thompson, Tel: 07970 760462 (Lymington), Email: david@penhill.co.uk Christopher Thomas, Tel: 07974 373987 (Wales), Email: chrisandeirios@gmail.com Johnnie Winther, Tel: 01985 840479 (Warminster)

Email: hibernus@icloud.com Tim Forbes, Tel: 01380 722358 (Devizes), Email: Seendhead@btinternet.com

North-East Region

Chairman: Karen Mahony Email: roochyness@icloud.com Secretary: Post vacant Treasurer: Nigel Myers, Tel: 01904 738627, Email: nigel.myers@manheim.co.uk


Graham Brierley, Tel: 01484 662751 Email: ggb@clifftopfarm.co.uk Simon Mahony, Tel: 07971 642148 Email: simon.mahony@yahoo.co.uk Brian Tait, Tel: 07909 553199, Email: briantait1989@gmail.com Daniel England, Tel: 07800 568210 Email: engy1234@hotmail.co.uk Stephen Ward, Tel: 07887 876163 Email: s.ward99@icloud.com

North-West Region

Acting Chairman/Secretary: Joanna Way Tel: 07713 465516 Email: bdcsecnw@gmail.com


Rob Atkinson Tel: 07778 220570 Email: rob@ramsport.com Alison Maunder Tel: 07598 258254 Email: alison.maunder@abbeyrentals.co.uk Martin Waring Email: martinwaring@modernpd.com

Scottish Region

Chairman: Letty Mackinnon, Tel: 0131 663 9997 Email: lettice38@gmail.com Secretary: Simon Laidlaw, Tel: 0141 328 8207 (M): 07976 817184 Email: simonlaidlaw@me.com


Ed Hinks, Jock Mackinnon, Nick Gould, Sue Shoosmith, Malcolm Gordon, Fraser Ewart Chairman: Harry Waddingham, Tel: 0208 874 8784, Email: harry.waddingham@btinternet.com Deputy Chairman: Guy Talbot, Tel: 01372 469711, Email: guylyntalbot@aol.com Secretary: Brian Hudson, Tel: Tel: 01273 842929 Email: brianeva34@btinternet.com Treasurer: Colin Lightman, Tel 01403 753117, Email: oldoakhouse@ uwclub.net Communications Controller: Peter Wilson, Tel: 01273 842518, Email: peterwilson@beresfordconsultants.co.uk


Alan Hills, Tel: 07961 631075, Email: alannoordhoek@yahoo.co.uk Dr Roger Hood, Tel: 07771 841401, Email: drrogerhood@btinternet.com Dr Diana Green-Davy CBE, Tel: 07710 745755, Email: diana.green_davy@icloud.com

Western Region

Website: www.bdc.willowby.co.uk Chairman: David Reynolds, Tel: 07789 751758, Email: davidreynolds38@hotmail.com Secretary: Geoff Allan, Tel: 01837 861551 Email: geoffallan@mypostoffice.co.uk Treasurer: Philip Groves, Tel: 01548 531763 / 07855 323101 Email: philipgroves@hotmail.com


Chris Kallis, Tel: 01752 223375 / 01752 225060, Email: chris@chriskallis.co.uk Roger Mathew, Tel: 01822 615085, Email: willowby@cix.co.uk Kathy Warner, Tel: 01647 441378, Email: el.beardos@gmail.com Shirley Mascard, Email: shirleymascard@talktalk.net Cedric Cook, Tel: 01288 353281 / 01288 353698, Email: info@awbent.co.uk Sara Kelleway, Tel: 01237 470583, Email: sarakelleway@hotmail.co.uk Tony Martinez, Tel: 07899 793980, Email: martineztony0594@gmail.com


AUSTRALIA New South Wales Region

Website: www.bdcnsw.com.au Chairman: Gregory May Tel: 0411 723 470, Email: gregmay01@bigpond.com Vice Chairman: Mike Mulvihill Tel: 040 4470 623, Email: mikemulvihill@tpg.com.au Club Secretary: Athena Will Tel: 0425 233 013, Email: athenawill@ozemail.com.au Treasurer: Alan Wellington Tel: 2221 9594 0240, Email: alan.wellington47@gmail.com

Western Australia Region

Acting Chairman: Peter Briggs Email: toadhall@iinet.net.au Vice Chairman: Graham Gallop Tel: (61) 409 496 403 (W) Email: gallop78@btinternet.com Treasurer: Evan Edwards Tel: (61) 419 918 196 (W) Email: eedwards@lomvac.com Secretary: Michael Hood Tel: (61) (08) 9386 2999 (W), (61) (08) 9386 2977 (M) Email: michael@hoodpropertygroup.com.au Committee: Trevor Eastwood, Tony Packer

South Australia Region

Chairman: Terry Crossley-Holt Tel: +61 411 159 007 Email: holtiedt@gmail.com Secretary: Andrew Box Tel: +61 418 892 772 Email: Andrew-box@live.com.au Treasurer: Conrad Fletcher Tel: +61 433 789 837 Email: conrad.fletcher@gmail.com


Roland Lever Tel: +61 408 822 402 Rodney Van Den Brink Tel: +61 499 553 885 Regina Twiss Tel: +61 418 289 494 Tim Harper Tel: +61 419 820 623 Robin Turner Tel: +61 411 194 330

Queensland Region

Chairman: Tery Hurst, Tel: 0438 689 544 Email: thurst@bigpond.com.au Vice Chairman & Secretary: Simon Pierce, Tel: 0412 676 282 Email: simon@piercepipeorgans.com.au Treasurer: Marilyn Hurst, Tel: 0404 805 103 Email: marilynahurst@gmail.com


David Vann, Tel: 0404 452 148, Email: dqvann41@gmail.com.au Chris Cameron, Tel: 0403 307 198, Email: ssight@bigpond.net.au Terry Aronson, Tel: 0424 162 429, Email: terryaronson18@gmail.com John Wagstaff, Tel: 0437 631 708, Email: j.wagstaff@wagstaffpiling.com.au

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