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Welcome––Clint Johnston, President

Facilitators Institute Training

President’s Message

Welcome to the 2022 BCTF Facilitators’ Institute Training (FIT). Thank you all for joining us here in Vancouver, in the midst of your unquestionably well-deserved summer vacation, and making your union facilitator work a priority! We are tremendously lucky to have such a dedicated and inspired group of activists working with, and on behalf of our members.

Our theme this year is Recovery, (Re)connection, and Appreciation. Teachers have been on the front line of this pandemic for more than two years, and as we move through the summer and into another year of both teaching and union work, our recovery, our connection with one another, and our mutual appreciation will remain key to sustaining us.

Teachers are community leaders and dedicated professionals, and we know that as activists our role is to learn from and stand in solidarity with one another. Your work here at FIT will be to collectively develop strategies to help you support your colleagues, and for this we are truly thankful.

As we undertake this work, let’s ensure we are mindful of equity, and that we continue to prioritize inviting new and different voices to the table. That means ensuring that underrepresented members who are made vulnerable by structures in society—including our own union—participate and engage in all of our structures in ways that meet their needs. As facilitators, I know that you very much understand the importance of this work, and I thank you for your attention and commitment to equity and inclusion.

The Federation is only as strong as its membership, and you as facilitators play a critical role in building that solidarity and strength among our members. Whether your passion for this work lies in helping colleagues deepen their understanding of social justice issues, engaging new teachers in union activism, providing guidance on health and safety issues, or organizing co-ordinated political action campaigns, your knowledge and expertise on these issues sets the stage for growth and opportunity for teachers across the province.

Once again, thank you so much for sharing your time with us here, and for the difference you are making in your respective locals and across the province. I hope you have a great time at FIT and find the programming engaging and helpful.

Clint Johnston President
