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Nonverbal Communication and Other Considerations

While verbal interactions are at the forefront of communication, don’t forget that nonverbal behaviors impact how communication is received. Voice inflections, facial expressions and hand gestures can signal additional meaning to spoken phrases. Sarcasm, for example, is often conveyed through a specific tone of voice. Nodding your head while listening is a nonverbal acknowledgement of the speaker. Ensure that your nonverbal cues sustain the confirming climate that you are working to create through your verbal statements.

It is also important to be mindful of patients who may require additional communication, such as patients with vision or hearing impairment, patients with a learning disability, patients who do not speak English or patients with psychological issues (anxiety or phobia). Be prepared to utilize technology, interpretation services or a patient advocate to enhance communication and understanding between provider and patient.

Practicing these positive communication behaviors is the key to creating a confirming climate in your dental practice. While it can be especially difficult to remove your own emotions from a situation — particularly with a difficult patient — doing so is the first step toward confirming communication. This will help de-escalate and minimize conflict, ensuring that patients and employees are willing to communicate and work with you to create practical solutions to problems. While not all challenges are easily or quickly resolved, your efforts to maintain positive, supportive communication behaviors can minimize the stress of a situation and improve outcomes.

Being entirely objective is not easy!

TDIC’s Risk Management experts are available to assist you and draw upon their experience and communication strategies to optimize positive outcomes. If you need additional support or suggestions for creating a confirming communication climate in your practice, the Risk Management Advice Line analysts are a source of practical tips and suggestions for implementing new techniques and communication skills.