3 minute read

Elissa Howard

Behind-the-Scenes All-Star Q&A



Elissa Howard




Lucas Howard Group

How long have you been working for/with the person who nominated you?

For life!

How long have you been working in the real estate industry?

16 years

What did you do before you began working in your current position?

I was a loan officer.

What does your typical workday look like?

Depending on the business that I’m working in, my day could consist of coaching, being on Zoom calls, having team meetings, hiring people or building ancillary businesses. Every day is a new adventure!

How would you describe your job in one word?


Why do you think you excel at your job?

I am skilled in growth and implementation. I have high standards and excel in following up with clients.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

Helping others achieve what they never thought possible.

What is the most challenging aspect of your job?

Finding talent.

What is one thing about you that others might find surprising or interesting?

I used to be a speed skater!

When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?

Work. Other than that, I like spending time at our cottage, traveling and creating experiences with our family.

How do you feel about being nominated as a Behind-the-Scenes All-Star?


Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself, about your job or about your relationship with the person who nominated you?

The person who nominated me is my husband of 17 years. Needless to say, I am thankful that he pulled me into this crazy business where we can make an impact in our community, in our lives and in others’ lives.

If Lucas Howard, CEO of Lucas Howard Group, had one word to describe Elissa, it would be “giving.” “Elissa is always willing, ready and available — and not just because she’s my wife,” he said. “She can be found trying to discover ways to better this team and our business at any hour of the day. She has an incredible gift for networking, which has opened numerous doors and opportunities for this company.”

Although Elissa joined Lucas in real estate several years into his career, Lucas could not imagine running the business without her. “Elissa is the glue that holds the team together and is its driving force,” he explained. “She pushes each of us to discover and use our gifts and talents to the fullest as well as pushes us to channel our passions toward the betterment of ourselves, our team and our community.”

Lucas respects and appreciates the way Elissa shines in everything that she does. “I am blessed to know her and to have her in my life, and I hope one day you will be able to meet her!” he said.

BEHIND-THE-SCENES ALL-STAR Elissa Howard from Lucas Howard Group