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photo | bri plewman

Editor’s Pick | Deeply Seeded Heartfelt Jewelry made from Mama Earth www.deeplyseeded.co

Deeply Seeded offers handmade jewelry using real flower seeds and the concept of floriography (the language of flowers) to create heartfelt, meaningful pieces that are minimal and timeless, and that represent different journeys of motherhood and life. Each necklace is paired with a poem, either written by Shana or in collaboration with other writers.

Shana Goodman started playing around with this concept after becoming a mother and having her baby girl Vidalia (also the name of an onion) in the summer of 2019. Shana has always been passionate about connecting and creating with nature. After planting Vidalia onion seeds in her garden, she thought it would be a fun concept to take one of those seeds and somehow place it in a necklace.

Shana launched her business on Black Friday of 2019. Even though she didn’t feel ready, she knew that if she didn't start, she never would. Shana wasn’t sure if it was motherhood that gave her the confidence and courage to create a business while still learning the craft, but she’s grateful that she didn't wait for perfect timing before taking that leap.

She elaborates, “It's like one of my favorite quotes from Walt Disney finally stuck with me: ‘All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.’"

Motherhood was Shana’s “why” from the very beginning. Many of the pieces she creates are centered around the joys and celebrations as well as the hardships, connected with motherhood. “I think there is something to be said about finding a community of other women on the same journey as you.”

What makes Deeply Seeded successful is the heart behind it. Shana wants her business to be about more than just beautiful jewelry. It must also provide a place for people to connect with others who are on a similar journey.

“I want to be an example for my daughter to dream big, to not be afraid to take chances--to create from the heart for purpose and not profit.” Shana also wants to create pieces that honor the journey of motherhood, wherever any particular woman might be on that journey and at that moment. “I want this brand to be about connection.”

And so it goes:

The love of a mother is deeply seated, so strongly felt--buried within us as seeds that are below the surface, but are ready to blossom, to bloom, and to grow. As women, our natural instinct is to nurture and to provide, just as mother nature has done and continues to do for us.

– Shana, Deeply Seeded CEO.