5 minute read

President’s Message


All of us, I believe, have a fundamental need to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.


Iwant to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Kevin Brown and all of the TASA staff on an outstanding, if virtual, Midwinter Conference. I thought the variety of session choices and the quality of those sessions was as outstanding as we normally get at our in-person conference. I also really appreciated the strand of offerings on race and equity, as this is a conversation in which we are going deep. As you know, the opening general session featured a conversation between Kevin Brown and Simon Sinek.

I appreciated the opportunity to hear from the best-selling author and self-described “unrelenting optimist.” Many of you know his books. Part of his comments were directed at the difference between what he calls “blind positivity” and optimism. I suspect that this was meaningful to many of us. He said we obviously cannot ignore the challenges we face in the moment or fail to take steps to address what we can, but we also can’t lose focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. The notion that the future is bright is optimism.

I acknowledge that there has been criticism of the COVID-19 response in my district. I own some of that criticism. We have all made mistakes in the ambiguous times since March 2020. But, like you I suspect, every leader I speak with from teachers to directors to principals and trustees is looking for solutions for the here and now. No one is ignoring the challenges that we face each day or failing to try and forecast the challenges that are yet to come. Those conversations are real and ongoing. Let’s just not lose sight of that light at the end of the tunnel. It too is real. And it is getting brighter. Hang in there.

Related to TASA’s work on race and equity, we were in a meeting with this group right after we recognized the holiday honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and some of the participants were sharing our favorite quotes from Dr. King’s speeches and writings. I was reminded of one I have not seen in a long time that really touches my heart. He said, “Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.”

All of us, I believe, have a fundamental need to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. This is what best-selling author Daniel Pink referred to in “Drive” (which studies the science of what motivates humans) as “purpose.” Whether that “purpose” is found with a church, a civic group, volunteer organization or in our work, we need to belong to something that we believe adds value beyond serving our individual needs. For me, for almost 29 years, that need has primarily been fulfilled by Northside ISD. I believe I was placed here to make a difference in the lives of the children we serve. In spite of all we have been through in the last 10 months, I hope you feel the same way about your work in your district.

Brian T. Woods TASA President Superintendent, Northside ISD


Helping school districts achieve their highest aspirations

N2 Learning partners with education entities to transform leading and learning. As no two school districts are alike, no two N2 projects are alike. We are dedicated to partnering with clients to create a plan or process that meets unique needs.

Our strategic initiatives in partnership with the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) are designed to create learning opportunities that present career pathways for school leaders across Texas. These initiatives, including the Principals’ Institute, the Assistant Principal Leadership Academy, and the Executive Leadership Institute, cultivate purposeful networks of leaders engaged in meaningful work that advances the principles in the New Vision for Public Education.

Our experienced team offers proven success in all areas of public education with specialization in assessment and accountability, leadership and professional development, strategic planning, and transformational learning environments. We are dedicated to partnering with clients to customize projects that facilitate change and ensure success.


Principals’ Institute

N2 Learning  #TXPVI

The Principals’ Institute (PI) is a year-long professional development series facilitated by N2 Learning in partnership with TASA to provide a unique opportunity for principals to understand why transformation of public education is necessary and develop the knowledge and skills required to lead and build the capacity to sustain transformation over time. The PI experience includes exposure to influential superintendents and speakers, such as Eric Sheninger, Rob Evans, Alan November, John Tanner, and Jimmy Casas.


Registration: $6,000.00 per participant (excluding travel expenses) Six, 2-day sessions alternating between Austin, Dallas, and Houston


Assistant Principal Leadership Academy

N2 Learning  #TXAPL

The Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APL) is facilitated by N2 Learning in partnership with TASA to provide learning opportunities to develop, challenge, and inspire assistant principals to be transformative leaders. APL participants will engage in processes which support the development of skills specific to transformational leadership and building a learning organization while preparing them for the role of principal.


Registration: $1,000.00 per participant for in-person cohort (excluding travel expenses); $800 per participant for virtual cohort Six, 4-hour sessions throughout the year


Executive Leadership Institute

N2 Learning  #TXELI

The Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) is facilitated by N2 Learning in partnership with TASA to build the capacity of district executive leaders for system-wide improvements in teaching and learning. Sessions will include opportunities for leaders to cultivate strategic approaches and actions in order to support district transformational efforts. In addition to the scheduled sessions, each participant will receive the support of an Executive Coach throughout the year.


Registration: $4,000.00 per participant (excluding travel expenses) Four, 2-day sessions alternating between Austin, Dallas, and Houston