1 minute read


In recent years, the influence of queer theory and adjacent ideas rooted in postmodernism and critical theory has distorted the discussion around trans issues. This has led to confusion about why trans people transition, and the decentering of the actual experience of trans lives in the public trans discourse. In turn, these developments have likely contributed to a slow down in trans acceptance and even backlash in some segments of society.

As a Moral Libertarian who is committed to free speech, a healthy marketplace of ideas and a shared reality in objective truth, I believe that it is through fact-based discussion that we get to a better understanding on issues. I also believe that it is through understanding that we resolve our differences. Trans issues are no exception to these general truths. This is why I believe that, by opposing queer theory and adjacent ideas, and advocating for a return to a fact-based trans discourse, we will ultimately bring about better understanding and acceptance of trans people.


While it was my Moral Libertarian worldview that has inspired me to take the aforementioned views, which are at the foundation of the arguments presented in this book, the arguments themselves are generally geared towards finding a good way forward for both the trans community and broader society, and their merits are independent from any


kind of political philosophy. The solutions presented are also effective regardless of philosophy. Therefore, I hope that people across the political spectrum can take a serious look at what is presented in this book. It could be our way to exit the 'trans wars'.