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Tampa Prep extends education beyond the traditional classroom in all grades. The goal is to deepen the student’s appreciation for, and understanding of, academic studies and to foster a deeper understanding of the self, the world, and other people. Individual classes may use guest speakers, take local field trips, role-play mock trials, or otherwise incorporate non-traditional ways of learning such as the Harkness method, explained below. The following trips and projects are just a few of the many experiential learning opportunities which occur school-wide each year.

Harkness Method

The Harkness table, Harkness method or Harkness discussion involves a teaching and learning method where students are seated in a large, oval configuration to discuss ideas in an encouraging, open-minded environment with only occasional or minimal teacher intervention. Most classrooms at Tampa Prep are set up to support the Harkness method, and most teachers employ it.

Class Trips

Students in grades 6-12 take class trips that range from local ropes courses (grades 9 and 10) to walking the Boston Freedom Trail, learning more about the American Revolution (grade 8) to swimming with dolphins in Key West (grade 7) to hiking and camping in Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina (grade 11).


Declamations are a unique Tampa Prep tradition that help students build confidence through public speaking. All students, grades 6-12, are required to prepare and deliver an oral presentation. Students advance through rounds performing for their class and their grade, and finalists perform in a school-wide assembly. Parents are welcome to attend this assembly.

Senior Internships

Completion of a 70-hour Senior Internship is a graduation requirement. Seniors are counseled through the process of updating their resume, networking for a job search, preparing for and having an interview, and working in the job force. They blog about their experience.


For the 3# project (3 lbs. is the weight of the human brain) students in Honors English resolve to learn something they have always wanted to try. This can be anything from playing an instrument, to cooking a vegan meal, to building a car engine. Throughout the process, they maintain a digital portfolio of blog entries, research and multimedia samples of their works in progress. Their portfolios are part of their final presentation in a gallery-style exhibition and are presented to guests .

Cookie Company Project

In Honors Economics, students form companies to sell cookies and other treats to the Tampa Prep community, applying and executing what they are learning in class. Each company has to present a marketing/social media plan and a business plan to a group of TP experts in hopes of receiving a business loan.