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What Walking 10k Steps a Day does for your Health

10,000 daily steps is now a common fitness target. Here are just a few of the health advantages that increasing your physical activity will bring you.

A smart method to get yourself moving more and reduce the amount of time you spend sitting is to set a goal of 10,000 steps per day (or any other figure that poses a challenge based on your current activity level). It can therefore significantly affect practically every portion of your body. Here are 7 of the greatest health advantages of 10,000 daily steps of walking.

It will strengthen your lungs

You may strengthen your lungs and surrounding muscles by exercising daily. Your body’s capacity to use oxygen effectively increases together with the pace and volume of oxygen you inhale (this is measured as your “VO2 max”). Your VO2 max increases as you get more fit.

It improves your concentration

Physical activity boosts the release of feel-good hormones (like endorphins) and also increases blood flow to the brain, which results in improved cognitive function. Not only do you feel less stressed and anxious when you regularly move, but you are also working toward improving your creativity, productivity and concentration.

It strengthens your bones

Physical activity (particularly weight-bearing exercises) places extra stress on your bones, which helps improve their density and lowers your risk for osteoporosis later in life. Walking, and better yet running, are great places to start.

It helps stabilise your blood sugar

When you exercise, your muscles use more of the bloodstream’s glucose, lowering your blood sugar for up to 24 hours afterward. Exercise also enhances the effectiveness of the insulin in your body.

It can help lower blood pressure

High blood pressure can be prevented and managed by physical activity. Taking your recommended 10,000 steps each day can help to loosen up your blood vessels and improve blood flow.

It improves flexibility

Physical activity helps improve your flexibility, which in turn, helps improve posture, reduces risk for injury, and also decreases the number of aches and pains you feel during the day.

It boosts your energy levels

Physical activity is a great way to boost energy levels and fight fatigue as it strengthens the heart and improves circulation.