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Celery Secrets

by Laura Kurella

It was a dish served at a luncheon in honor of a departed friend of my husband’s and my husband was so fond of it that he insisted I not only taste it and make note of its ingredients, but also see if I could get my hands on its recipe.


Informed that it was an oldie that was so simple it almost didn’t need to be written down, I of course scrambled for a pen and a scrap of paper.

Consisting of what could be considered basic ingredients, their combination magically created a spectacular flavor that my husband recalled his own mother making him in childhood.

Once home, I looked online to see how many different variations of this recipe existed, and low and behold, I found just a small handful with differences that barely varied.

“Have I found a unicorn in the recipe world?” I sighed.

Revealing my remarkable discovery to my husband, he looked at me and sighed, “It’s the celery. The celery makes all the other ingredients come together and give it a great taste that needs no improving. That’s why nobody has.”

Though totally unscientific, the “If it isn’t broke don’t fix it,” rule may be what applied because perhaps my hubby is right, there is a secret to celery we don’t fully realize. Here now is that time-tested treasure that lets celery spill its secrets. Enjoy!

Old Fashioned Kidney Bean Salad

Prep time: 15 minutes; Rest time: 4 hours; Total active time: 15 minutes. Yield: 6 servings

1/4 cup sweet pickle relish

1 cup (or more) favorite style mayonnaise

1 sweet onion, minced

6 inner, celery heart stalks, diced or minced

30 ounces canned red kidney beans, rinsed, and drained

2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled, and chopped unrefined mineral sea salt and pepper, to taste

In a serving bowl, bowl, combine relish and mayonnaise with onion and celery, mixing well. Add kidney beans then salt and pepper, and stir well, then fold in chopped boiled egg and gently blend in. Chill at least 1 hour in the refrigerator then taste to adjust seasoning, if desired, before serving.

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