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Movie Reviews

Elemental (2023)

On the surface, Elemental shares similar concepts with several previous Pixar films. Like Inside Out’s emotions, the film’s elements are personified characters. As with Turning Red’s lead character Mei, its central protagonist Ember (nimbly voiced by Leah Lewis), a fire element, creates family drama with her temper flares. What’s more, Ember’s budding interest in water element Wade (hilariously voiced by Mamoudou Athie) opens her up to family rejection and societal judgment, as explored in Luca. What adds new depth is director Peter Sohn’s personal history growing up as the son of immigrants. Serving other fire elements, Ember’s family’s business struggles for survival, as other elements are disdainful. During his inspection of business damage caused by an Ember-induced accident, Wade’s presence stirs up prejudices among her own family. As these unlike elements come together to save the business (and beyond), a romance grows, providing unexpected answers to the question of whether or not fire and water can mix. All this plays out against backdrops featuring some of the most colorful and intricate animation Pixar has yet produced. With the studio’s magic chemistry intact, Elemental’s unique properties make for a fresh feature among the compound of Pixar classics. – Submitted by Karl K.
