9 minute read

Here & There Performance Center Training

by Steve Wishard

BMW offers multiple driver and rider training programs, for both cars and motorcycles, through BMW Performance Driving School, MINI Driving Experience & BMW U.S. Rider Academy. Training programs are conducted at each of their 3 locations in the United States, however, motorcycle courses are ONLY offered at the Greer, SC performance center.

BMW Performance Center

1155 SC-101 Greer, SC 29651 (888) 345-4269

BMW Performance Center West

86-050 Jasper Lane

Thermal, CA 92274 (888) 345-4269

Indianapolis Motor Speedway

4790 W 16th St

Indianapolis, IN 46222 (888) 345-4269

Training At The Rally (Here)

In recent years the U.S. Rider Academy has also been offering reduced - what some may call introductory - training sessions at various motorcycle rallies around the country. Rallies such as the BMW MOA & BMWRA National Rallies. Last year we were fortunate enough to have our rally, the BMWNEF Winter Rally, added to the BMW U.S. Rider Academy annual schedule.

Session Start - Winter Rally - Live Oak - 2023

Don’t let the “REDUCED” aspect of the rally sessions fool you. While the number

26 of rider skills included in the rally sessions is reduced, the quality of training and value received is not. In fact, due to the disproportionate cost reduction offered, and as a rider who has taken several street & adventure training courses, I would say that the BMW rally courses are the best training value available anywhere. Especially for first time trainees.

“Rally Sessions Lay The Foundation”

Skills Covered At The Rally

Rally training is typically conducted in half day sessions lasting 4 hours. Due to the limited time available, the information & skills covered are really the very basic elements. You will likely not recognize it at the time, but in time, you will come to realize that the rally sessions lay the foundation for all following advanced skills. Even if you never ride off road and never take another training course you will be a better/safer rider for having participated in a rally training session. If you have taken training before you will still benefit from the refresher and the practice. I have taken several courses, both street and adventure, and average 25000 two wheeled miles per year, and I’m never as good when I start a training session as I was when I finished the previous one. However, each time the gap is smaller, I get back to my previous level more quickly and I master new skills more easily. You will always benefit from training.

“Don’t Confuse Basic With Easy”

As for the specific information & skills

- It may vary slightly but essentially the rally session is a subset of the 1st day’s morning session at the performance center. If memory serves, from my experience at last year’s rally, they get you up and riding quickly. So it focused more on controlling the motorcycle at low speed.

Therefore, the session included coaching, demonstrations and practice in several essential basic skills:

• Body Position

• Head & Eyes

• Center of Gravity

• Hand Position On Controls

• Friction Zone

• Effective Braking

• Body Position In Tight Turns

• Slow Ride With/Without Trial Stops

• Slalom Cone Course

• Switchback Cone Course

• Figure 8 Cone Ring

• Parking Lot Box control skills covered in the session to successfully navigate this challenge. Relax, apply what you’ve been taught and you will soon be executing perfect figure 8s.

• Tennis Ball Slalom.

“Don’t Look At The Cones”

Parking Lot Box

The parking lot box is sort of like making your way through a crowded parking lot by riding through the empty parking spaces rather than using the driving lanes. Let me give you a tip which will make this challenge a lot easier.

“There Is A Lot More Space Than You Think - Use It All”

Slow Ride & Trial

Slow ride & trial stops focuses on body position, head & eyes, hand position, balance and friction zone control. Simple concepts which pay big dividends when mastered.

When entering this challenge you will have a tendency to think it is too small. However, there is actually plenty of room. The key is using all of the available space. Keeping the motorcycle very close to the cones on the opposite side of the direction you are going to turn will give you plenty of room to maneuver.

Rally Training Summary

It all starts to get real when you’re in the figure 8 double cone ring. It requires correct use of all of the body and motorcycle

Rally training is an excellent value. It’s a great price value, you will leave a better rider, you will be prepared to learn many advanced skills, you will have a fun and challenging morning or afternoon with friends and fellow ralliers, and you will still have plenty of time to enjoy everything else the rally has to offer. And just maybe, you will get a discount on training in Greer. I highly recommend them both.

Training At BMW (There)

BMW offers both street and off-road training courses at their facility in Greer, SC. They also offer multi-day motorcycle tours in mountains of SC, NC, TN & GA. I have not yet participated in a tour or street course at BMW, however, I intend to join one soon. I have participated in the 2 Day Adventure Course twice. So that is what I will focus on here.

When you arrive you will immediately realize that you have made an excellent training choice. BMW Performance Center is a State-of-the-Art, Purpose-Built facility. It has its own race track, watered polished skid pad for cars, a complete array of off-road motorcycle obstacles and substantial forested area filled with single-track trails.

Your experience begins with registration, a made to order breakfast if you wish and getting to know your fellow students. The breakfast isn’t included but it almost is. I had a couple eggs, bacon & a 16oz drink for under $3. Once everyone is signed in and fed it’s off to the classroom for introductions and a brief orientation. It’s a nice little room you won’t be spending much time in.

R1250GSA is available. You can use your own BMW motorcycle but I wouldn’t recommend it. You’re going to drop it. Maybe multiple times. Maybe a lot. Their motorcycles are set up for it and are liability free. Break it and they just bring you another one.

Once everyone has been assigned a bike the training begins. The first segment of the training takes place right there in the parking area. Some of the information covered is the same as at the rally but you will be given a lot more there. Center stands, balance walk-around, handlebar position, mounting both sides, picking up a bike and much more - plus - the information provided at the rally session.

A list of topics & skills included in the 2 Day Adventure Course is provided at the end of this article. The list is based on my failing memory so I don’t claim that it is complete, however, I’m confident that everything in the list is valid.

Following the parking lot segment you will take a break, use the facilities if necessary, retrieve your helmet, etc. and return to the parking area to start riding. The instructors will lead you out to the training area and the games will begin.

From this point on the process is pretty repetitive. There are multiple training areas scattered around the property. Each area focuses on one or more riding skills. The training areas are separated by wooded areas containing single track trails.

Training Motorcycle Parking Area

In short order you will be making your way out to the parking area where the training motorcycles await your arrival. When you sign up for the course you select the type of motorcycle you want to use. Everything from a G310GS to a

Once everyone arrives in a training area you stop. The instructors explain the purpose and technique for a skill. One of the instructors demonstrates the skill. Then it’s your turn. Students perform the skill while observed by the instructors, receive personal feed back on performance and pointers for improvement, then loop back and do it again. Not all but most training areas provide the oppor29 tunity to learn multiple skills or to learn and then expand upon a single skill with increasing difficulty. With each new skill or expansion of a skill the process repeats. Everyone stops, the instructors explain & demonstrate, the students loop through multiple iterations, receiving coaching and encouragement.

When the group arrives at the next training area they will find a break area with popup tent, chairs & drinks. Trust me, it is a welcome sight. I’ve attended training in January, when it was cold and raining, and in August, when it was 95° with a triple digit heat index. In both cases that tent area was a welcome sight. Oh, did I forget to mention that most students will be using muscles they’ve neglected for a long time. Yeah, those chairs look pretty good too.

Riding Between Training Areas

When it’s time for training to move on to another training area, the instructors lead the group to the new location. During the transit from one training area to another the instructor will lead the group through some type of typical off-road terrain. When possible the path between training areas will include real world opportunities to utilize the skills learned & practiced in the previous challenges. Wooded single track, ruts with/without water, off-camber, hills, washboards, bridge crossings and more can be encountered.

Single Track Riding Between Training Areas

Once everyone has had a chance to hydrate and recoup, it’s back to the bikes, the instructors explain the next challenge, etc., etc. This process is repeated over & over. With each successive training area presenting skills & challenges which build on all that came before. Steadily increasing the students capabilities and confidence to take on new challenges which expand their comfort zone.

I almost forgot lunch. Your morning and afternoon sessions are separated by 30 an hour back at the performance center facility, where you will be provided an excellent buffet lunch. Motorcycle class members and car class members, each with their own buffet, all come together in the central dining area for needed rest, delicious food, and time to discuss and relive the experiences of the morning.

For those who are so inclined, there is also a gift shop within the facility which has a wide variety of BMW merchandise available for purchase. Shirts, hats, key chains, etc.

Once you have completed your training, regardless of the course you select, you will receive a certificate of completion. It could lower your insurance rates. You might want to check. Regardless, you will be leaving the facility with far more than a certificate. New riding abilities, new confidence, new friends & new memories are the real value you will leave with.

“It’s All Challenge By Choice”

Regardless of whether you are at a rally or the BMW facility in Greer, every aspect of the training is challenge by choice. This means that it is always up to you to decide if you are going to participate in any given training challenge. The instructors will encourage you to get outside your comfort zone. They will explain & demonstrate each skill. They will coach, support & encourage you to the extent you need to become successful. However, if anything is beyond what you feel is safe for your ability, you are welcome to sit out. No harm / no foul.

2 Day Adventure Off-Road Course

Day One Agenda

• Center Stand

• Side Stand Handlebar Position

• Mounting (both sides)

• Balance Walk Around

• Picking Up A Bike

• Friction Zone

• Hand Position On Controls

• Standing While Riding

• Center Of Gravity Change

• Standing Body Position Riding

• Standing Body Position In Turns

• Riding While Changing Body Position (7 different positions)

• Slow Ride

• Slow Ride With Trial Stops

• Quick Up On Pegs Start (both sides)

• Slalom Cone Course

• Switchback Cone Course

• Ruts

• Washboards

• Humps

• Humps With Trial Stops

• Emergency Stops With/Without ABS & Front Brakes (multi ride modes)

Day Two Agenda

• Practice Day One Skills

• Mount While Starting Switch Sides And Dismount While Stopping.

• Starting Off Camber

• Riding Off Camber

• Ride Modes & ABS

• Effective Brake Usage

• Ride Up Hills (body position)

• Cresting Blind Hills (momentum)

• Cresting Hills And Turn

• Ride Down Hills (body position)

• Ride Down Hills (brakes)

• Ride Hill Ridge And Turn Down

• Descending Hills With Trial Stop

• Descending Hills With Turn

• Descending Hills Following A Fall Or Stop on the slope (multiple ways)

• Riding Through Deep Gravel

• Riding Through Deep Sand

Day One & Two

• Brief Classroom Sessions

• Multiple Wooded Single Track Rides

• Buffet Lunch & Low Cost Breakfast

• State-of-the-Art Facilities

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