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Your JANUARY Astrology Forecast from Pia Louisa February 2023 Hot Stars!


21 MAR – 20 APR

February shows your anxiety about the future increasing and negative thoughts entering your brain, Aries. You have been feeling down lately and aren’t quite doing the right thing to cheer yourself up. However, all this anxiety which has led to bad moods is just an illusion. It is important you remember that there is a whole world beyond what you can see. You are your own worst enemy, therefore, the only person who can help you, is you. Don’t let your mind control your whole life. Fight through the negative thoughts swirling around your brain and search for the happiness in your life. Take a day this month to forget about everything and everyone around you. Let it be your time to do something fun.


21 APR – 20 MAY

This month is going to be all about progress for you, Taurus. You are likely to be more productive than usual, getting practical tasks done and out of the way. Creatively, you may find yourself feeling a bit blocked, which is going to lead you to access parts of yourself you didn’t know you had. Try to inspire yourself by doing something brand new and exciting. By the end of the month, you will go through a personal transformation. February will be a surprising month for you, and you will notice a significant difference in your daily habits and personality. You may not be where you want to be right at this moment, but trust that you are making progress, even if it takes longer than you originally thought.


22 MAY – 21 JUNE

February is going to be a new beginning for you, Gemini. A phase of your life is coming to an end, and you are about to start a brand new journey. Think of this month as your New Year’s celebration! As a Gemini, you are easily addicted to certain things, and toxic people make that list. If you have found yourself seeing someone you know is bad for you, cut them off as soon as possible. Remember that you are worthy of having special people in your life who love you for you. Make sure to set clear boundaries with everyone. No matter who they are (parents, friends, colleagues), you must have boundaries with them. Define the relationship and remember to have fun.


22 JUNE – 23 JULY

Have you actually forgiven yourself Cancerian? We all make mistakes, and you can’t beat yourself up about it for too long. It can be incredibly frustrating when you know you’re to blame for something not working out the way you hoped, but all you can do now is shake it off and try again. As a Cancerian, you are known for your amazing generosity. Helping others is a form of self-care for you and allows you to be your nurturing self. Give back to your friends and family, but make sure they don’t take too much from you. A homecoming is going to take place in February, with family members meeting up after time apart. Enjoy the time you have with everyone you love.


24 JULY – 23 AUG

Do you see what’s going on Leo? You have finally made a breakthrough in an area of your life you have felt stuck in for a long time now. Whatever you have done has worked, and you are now free to reap the benefits. On the other hand, by focusing so much on this new breakthrough, there may have been some lost opportunities that could have taken you in a different direction. Trust that if they were meant for you, they would have happened. You did what felt right in the moment, so how could that be wrong? Towards the end of February, an abundance of happiness is set to enter your life. It will be one of those moments that makes you feel lucky to be alive. Enjoy everything coming to you this month.


24 AUG – SEPT 3

Virgos love to socialise, and hate feeling as if their friends have abandoned them to do something fun. Throughout February, creating your work life balance is going to be an important theme, as you may be worried about becoming a workaholic. Remember to take time off and spend time with friends if you need emotional support. You have a deep knowledge inside of you Virgo, and a very old soul. Use your wisdom for the highest good, and let the world know what you’re about. You’re more than what people see on the outside. Averting disasters is one of your greatest skills. You have the ability to lead others in the right direction and create a harmonious environment. Be there for others the way they’re there for you.