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Enlighten Up / Healthy Seasonal Foods / Manifesting Maven

Enlighten Up

Bija Mantras

By Freya Sampson Custodian Eartheart

Last month we discussed in detail the ritual of grounding your base or root chakra. As a part of that work we can practice chanting to strengthen out body, mind and energy system.

A powerful practice for clearing your energy field is to chant the Bija mantras for each chakra.

Bija in Sanskrit means seed and the Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify and balance the mind and body. When you chant the Bija mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus upon your own intrinsic awareness of your body and its needs.

In Vedic tradition, Bija mantras are used as tools for the expansion of one’s mind, by utilising the power of sound vibrations (mantra). The most literal translation of the word mantra is, ‘to liberate one’s mind.’

What is also important and interesting to know is that mantras come from the sounds of nature. Thousands of years ago the Rishi’s sat in nature, eyes closed, listening to the sounds of nature and creation.

“Purify and balance the mind and body.”

They found within them patterns and links to different types of energies. With this knowledge they applied practices and from the practices came experiences, which flowered into wisdom. It is from this, that they created the mantras of the Vedic tradition, which have since been chanted for 1000s of years.

To read the whole article go to www.supernalmagazineaustralia.com.au/past-iissues/

Healthy Seasonal Foods

Eating for the Season

By Jane Offer

As spring becomes warmer, the amazing colours of the seasonal fruit and vegetables available seem to be particularly vibrant which started me thinking of the life force of the plant itself and the nourishing bounty it produces.

The variety available to us is vast these days where transportation is easy, so seasonal these days simply means that it’s the appropriate season somewhere in the world. Therefore, look to buy local produce from your own country to feed your body what it needs.

Everything in nature is in balance and is necessary for our survival. Flowers bloom providing the nectar for bees to make honey for their survival and, in doing so, pollinate the plants we rely on for ours. Each plant is present on this planet with a particular use, purpose and health benefit; the gel in the Aloe plant is great for sunburn, for example, and coincidentally they are not found growing naturally in the colder countries as they are a succulent requiring warmth.

When we begin to look at it in this way, it really makes you think. The African Violet (Saintpaulia) absorbs radiation given off by computers, so it’s great to keep one on your desk. The cactus that looks like Mickey Mouse ears, Opuntia microdasys, has the same ability. Weren’t they on the planet well before computers and radiation created by man? Yet here we are reaping the benefits of their natural makeup. By following this train of thought we can see that plants provide many types of nutrients that we require for good health. So how can we use our fruit and veggies to maximise our health? Juicing is the obvious answer!

“If you truly get in touch with a piece of carrot, you get in touch with the soil, the rain, the sunshine. You get in touch with Mother Earth and eating in such a way, you feel in touch with true life, your roots, and that is meditation.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Here are some recipes using seasonal produce and a blender to support specific areas of the body.

It’s said that a healthy gut leads to a healthy body, so here is a recipe that helps to promote the production of the digestive enzymes that assist the absorption of nutrients. It will also restore electrolyte balance after a stomach upset and nurture healthy bacteria in the bowel.

To read the whole article go to www.supernalmagazineaustralia.com.au/past-iissues/

Manifesting Maven

Distraction or Inspiration?

by Brooklyn Storme PhD

One of the things that business owners can struggle with is distraction. In fact, I think that most of us can say that we’ve experienced this on at least one occasion - and that’s okay. Distraction only becomes a problem when it begins to impede your ability to get things done.

At the moment, I’m on the tail end of launching my 90 day coaching program. I’ve been focussed on everything I have needed to do to support the launch. My attention has been on the planning, execution and review of all of the steps involved with opening and closing the doors to a program.

I implemented a new approach this time around and the learning curve was enormous. Luckily, I love learning! So, I was totally absorbed in the process, until Sunday. On Sunday, I was home watching

Netflix (if you haven’t seen Between Two Ferns, I highly recommend it!) when out of the blue, I was struck with an idea that I felt compelled to take urgent action on.

“Distraction really only becomes a problem when it begins to impede your ability to get things done.”

Literally jumping up off the chair and running out into the kitchen to grab the first piece of scrap paper I could find and a pen, I hurriedly began writing. The pen just kept moving, as if my hand had a mind of its own. It was as if I wasn’t consciously writing – that someone was writing and I was watching. The energy was exciting!

After I put the pen down, I looked over what I’d written and immediately felt like dancing (so I did!). It was pure, unadulterated joy that flowed through me. I knew that what I’d drafted would be able to help so many business owners and I was so grateful for the inspiration!

To read the whole article go to www.supernalmagazineaustralia.com.au/past-iissues/