8 minute read

Bees and Humanity

Bees & Humanity

By Shirley Sienna

Kerrie Mercel, is the co-creator of the Rainbow People, a community based on mutual respect and situated at the base of Tamborine Mountain in Queensland.

Born 26th January 1960, Kerrie is Kin 138 Galactic Mirror. The verse for this is ‘I Harmonise in Order to Reflect, Modelling Order I seal the Matrix of Endlessness with the Galactic tone of Integrity, I am guided by the power of Spirit.’

Within her numerical code Kerrie is filled with the number 8, the number of the tone of integrity. It signifies she is here to stand alone and yet in harmony with the power and energy required to assist the human race. Living in accordance with her divinely orientated purpose over many years, she has culminated as a spiritually and cosmically aligned keeper and carer of the Bee and Human conglomerate. She is currently utilising her skills as a property developer, chef, life coach and more, as a practical application of future sustainability for like-minded individuals. Kerrie is educating and encouraging many through the aspects of beekeeping. Her passion for the wellbeing of humans and bees in regard to socio-economic structure, food as medicine, health and wellbeing physically, mentally and emotionally, is inspiring to say the least. Her ideas to run workshops on a giving, receiving and sharing basis, can work for any of us and can be utilised for any subject matter required. Kerrie has been bee-keeping for approximately three years and during this time she has redeveloped the traditional hive set up into a ‘long-box’, making it lighter and easier to successfully manage.

Considering the bee community, we realise that this is a fraternity that humans should study very carefully and with serious respect.

“Kerrie is educating and encouraging many through the aspects of beekeeping.”

Our discussion covered a range of topics, which can best be described as ‘as above, so below- and everything in between’. Spiritual, cultural and generational ethics and the lack of them were considered and it was clear that the activities within a beehive, the family, community, life and death cycles and hierarchy, may well be as ‘arbitrary’ as their human counterpart.

Kerry: The bees have a very unbalanced and dictatorial community just like humanity. Our patriarchal system has never been fair or effective. One side power always corrupts, giving a total and crazy imbalanced hierarchy.

Compare it to the honey beehive where we see a matriarchal system. A beehive has a queen bee as the matriarch, with thousands of female bees who work in the hive. As they grow up they are given different jobs for about six weeks, then being worked to death, they die.

The hive males are called Drones. In this matriarchal system they have one job. They mate with the newborn queen when she does her initial flight. Drones then eat the food the female worker bees bring back into the hive. Often you will see them on the honey frames just lurking around. Drones have severe challenges. They are an accessory, not a necessity. Every winter the females push the males out of the hive to fend for themselves, especially when the hive is in dearth over the winter months.

Up to twelve Drones can mate with the queen on her initial flight. Unfortunately, they die immediately after their penis has been snapped off. All the female bees in the hive, except for the Queen, will never mate. The hive is totally sexless.

Kerrie believes that, as humans rise to higher dimensional living, honey will be gifted to humans by the bees, who will be living freely and making honey purely for sustainability and their delight in life, as the creator intended. She believes also that no creature or human, should be considered more or less indispensable than another.

Her vision for sustainable community is in creating wise council with sub-committees and a strong educated and structured support system. This will allow others to step up, realise their purpose and function successfully, rather than fall down if ‘dedicated leaders’ cease to be.

“Her vision for sustainable community is in creating wise council with sub-committees and a strong educated and structured support system.”

Kerrie: We can combine the best of both systems to co-create a world that allows love, passion, inspiration, trust, respect and integrity, without the need governance.

Look where we are today with corruption, draconian law and disharmony. Our system is broken. Fixing it is out of the question. We have been long controlled by dark forces that are unseen. The Rainbow People will have many different shapes, colours and sizes living within community.

The community will be service driven initially until money is no longer required. Each individual, based on their vision and passions, will choose how they contribute.

A reverse steering committee of eight, plus Kerrie, will be different to other systems. There will be no long arduous meetings with people who are not experts in certain fields. Only subcommittees for independent projects, events and requests. If the steering committee has questions that need to be answered before voting, the concept will go back to the originator of the sub-committee.

The steering committee will only have three outcomes. Yes - commence project or event, No – declined, or Maybe - questions to be answered and resubmitted.

The sub-committee will be set up by any individual and will stand or fall on their merits. After the idea has been ticked off by the steering committee, the individual finds another person to mentor and assist with their idea. This subcommittee packages their concept and runs the event on the property provided, inviting the rest of the community to attend.

“My job as the property owner will initially be to pay the rates and expenses, then to stand back, allow the community to co-create…”

It’s interesting as we don’t know if this concept is going to work. However, instead of having just one community leader, we will have as many community leaders as possible in their area of expertise and interest.

We already have artists, event coordinators, project managers, teachers, naturopaths and a host of other talented people, who are ready to implement their ideas early next year.

My job as the property owner will initially be to pay the rates and expenses, then to stand back, allow the community to co-create, be the final vote on hung vote. Inspirational community members provide food, events, medicinal herb, and everything else the community needs.

If you would like to be part of Allow Love we would love to have you.

Allow Love is where we are initially co-creating. See the Facebook Page HERE:

Foster Bees including a New-Bees Jan 2022 course by donation, will conclude by giving a box of bees to the Jimboomba Community Gardens. Visit the Facebook page HERE:

ShirleySienna: This interview promoted much thought about the global exploitation of bees and humans, the life and demise of both species. It made me sad to learn that bees are considered less than their unique and life-giving worth by large profit minded corporations, just as are humans - expendable and replaceable. Sent to far-away lands and cold climates, in gigantic fields of mono-culture, single plant farming, with no variety of flowers and plants for the bees to pollinate, no life that allows them to flourish, thrive grow and enjoy - just work, produce and die.

In many places, hives are destroyed and a new generation is developed after the current inmates have ‘done their job’, as caring for them during the off season is not seen as financially viable. This is the exact opposite of what both bees and humans are designed to do by ‘the creator’ of all creatures great and small!

“It made me sad to learn that bees are considered less than their unique and life-giving worth by large profit minded corporations…”

Perhaps the life of bees, ‘the hum’, is a metaphor for us to reflect on. As bees around our planet are dying in droves due to the lowering of their frequency, are we humans in danger of following suit?

Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’.

Image Credit: Kerrie Mercel, Unsplash

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