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Historic perspective

Evan Sullivan appreciates accolades, but would be just as content if no one recognized his extensive community service, scholarly research and commitment to students.

In a recent interview about being named to The Post-Star’s 20 Under 40 in 2022, the history professor used the word “grateful” nearly as many times as “teaching.”

Sullivan serves on the Chapman Museum’s Board of Trustees, for which he is chair of the Programs & Education Committee.

He is active on a national level, too, publishing short historical pieces in the academic blog Nursing Clio; publishing chapters in three academic books about disability, war and veterans; and presenting research at academic conferences, including the No End to War conference at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, that consisted of First World War scholars from around the world, and the Organization of American Historians conference.

Sullivan’s article, “America’s Living Unknown Soldiers: Amnesia and Veteran Imposters after the Great War” — originally published in the First World War Studies journal in December 2021— was awarded honorable mention from the Disability History Association’s Outstanding Article or Book Chapter Award.

On campus, Sullivan has taken an active role, serving as chair of the Academic Standards Committee and participating in college governance meetings, as well as teaching.

“I feel that I have made some really rewarding connections with students each semester, and I probably learn as much from them as they do from me — if not more,” he said.

Holly Irion

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology; Gender and Sexuality Studies from St. Lawrence University

Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling from University at Albany

Currently: Licensed mental health counselor and assistant professor of Counseling at SUNY Adirondack