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We proudly present our novelties catalogue 2019/2020. There are seventeen novelties to discover this year - from a new brand and new varieties to re-positioned brands. We introduce our extensive assortment of high quality products to you on more than 40 pages. The catalogue has a new, fresh and appealing design, a better overview and a ‘quick finder’ index to make browsing simpler and faster. The brand pages at the beginning of each collection, as well as the use of icons to clarify detailed information about each variety, give more clarity and transparency to the reader. Enjoy browsing through this years catalogue and let our novelties inspire you!

This years catalogue will take you into the world of MNP flowers and its Suntory® genetics, where innovation is always on top-of-the-mind. With our everlasting curiosity, perseverance and the intensive cooperation with the breeding team of Suntory®, we have achieved to create some brilliant innovations to bring onto the market in 2019/2020. The novelties are exciting, refreshing and match the high quality standards that you expect from us.