1 minute read


Be Vigilant

Be aware of your surroundings at all times Look out for situations that may seem “out of place” and be weary of strangers. Never walk or park your vehicle in dark, unlit areas


Enjoy Visitation Responsibly

Enjoy visitation hours with people you know. Never invite someone to your apartment whom you’ve never met before. Try hanging out in well populated, neutral area when meeting someone for the first time

Keep Your Doors Locked

You should NEVER leave your doors unlocked for any reason Most thefts and burglaries are crimes of opportunity Check to make sure your apartment doors and windows are locked. Also, make sure you’re locking your car doors.

Most Crimes Are Crimes Of Opportunity

Report all suspicious activity to SUNO PD immediately.

Never take personal safety for granted. Try to avoid walking alone at night. Use the SUNO PD escort service

Limit your alcohol consumption, and leave social functions that get too loud, too crowded, or that have too many people drinking excessively Remember to call SUNO PD for help at the first sign of trouble.

Carry only small amounts of cash.

Never leave valuables (wallets, purses, books, phones, etc.) unattended.

Carry your keys at all times and do not lend them to anyone.

Lock up bicycles and motorcycles

Always lock the door to your room and apartment, whether or not you are there.

Be certain that your door is locked when you go to sleep, and keep windows closed and locked when you are not at home. DO NOT PROP OPEN INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR DOORS.

Do not leave valuables in your car, especially if they can be easily noticed.

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