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A slice of the Amalfi Coast right on Brisbane’s doorstep.


Nestled in the heart of Paddington is where you’ll find Brisbane’s very own slice of Italy, LouisB Limoncello. Founded by Leith Anderson-Reid in 2021, this lovingly crafted liqueur will instantly transport you to Italy’s Amalfi Coast. Thirsty yet? We are!

Having holidayed in Italy when she was young, Leith never imagined she would one day be making her own limoncello, let alone be running a thriving business. In true Italian style, the idea was sparked while enjoying a nightcap at her local trattoria. Her husband and the restaurant owner (who is affectionally known as ‘mama’) would often have a limoncello together at the end of the night. “It would sometimes double our bill, so I thought maybe it was time to try making it,” she explains. And that’s exactly what she did. Captivating the tastebuds of friends and family, questions began flooding in if Leith’s delicious homemade limoncello was available for purchase. Flashforward to two years ago, she decided to take a leap of faith and transform her passion into a business.

Made with just four ingredients, this bottle of lemony goodness not only tastes great by itself, but also works well in several recipes, from yellow negroni to tiramisu (a personal fave!).

And for those cocktail connoisseurs at home, Leith has the perfect recipe. We’ve all heard of the Moscow mule, but have you heard of the limoncello mule? A twist on a classic, this simple recipe combines limoncello with muddled strawberries, basil, fresh lemon juice, and ginger beer.

So, the next time you’re craving a taste of Italy or hosting a dinner party, keep LouisB on your radar. Trust us when we say you’ll be hooked after just one sip!


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