1 minute read

Jared Webb

Get to know the man behind J.AR Office, the recent winner of Australia’s Emerging Interior Design Practice 2023.

Jared spent his childhood drawing floor plans in art class and marvelling over buildings and construction sites. Despite this, it was a visit to Rome’s ancient Pantheon at 17 years old that really solidified his obsession with architecture.

Fast forward to today and Jared has been working in the industry for over 15 years. In 2021, he opened his very own practice, J.AR Office, in the leafy suburb of Teneriffe.

Described by Jared as something that materialised organically, J.AR Office was created with the ambition to positively contribute to Brisbane’s built and social environment. “What started as a couple of side projects for friends, escalated into larger opportunities,” he says.

The journey of starting your own business was, of course, not short of its challenges. Especially for someone who studied and practiced architecture rather than business.

“It was a bittersweet decision to start my own business, what a ride!”

As the design studio behind Oxlade residential building in New Farm and The

Disco Hair Salon in Stones Corner to name a few, J.AR Studio’s efforts were recently recognised at the 2023 Australian Interior Design Awards. Taking out the award for Emerging Interior Design Practice along with the projects mentioned receiving a Best of State Award for Residential Design (QLD) and a Best of State Award for Commercial Design (QLD).

“It was so unexpected! We are so privileged to be recognised in our first year as a Brisbane-based practice that has presence on a national scale, especially alongside so many incredible designers from across the country,” he says.

The future is looking exciting for this upand-coming practice, with a range of projects in the works such as The Warehouses by Cornerstone, the Gerard’s Restaurant redesign, and a new restaurant on Fish Lane – stay tuned!

In his spare time, you’ll find Jared sailing out on the bay with a crisp lager in hand or having a snooze between swims under a pandanus tree on Little Cove Beach in Noosa.

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